funeralxempire wrote:
Should those of us who've had sex refrain from saying so to protect the feelings of those who haven't? If so, I got bad news - that's what I'm going to be doing all next week while my fiancée is up.
I'm not a virgin. My point was that he claims to be a feminist yet he talks like the "male pigs" he thinks he is above.
You keep getting triggered by having it pointed out how it benefits people like you and I. That's not having a "pissfit", or blaming you, or blaming whites in general. Recognizing it exists doesn't mean you have to feel guilt, it just means you should be willing to listen to the experiences of people who don't benefit from it before dismissing and invalidating those experiences.
Just because that's how you see it doesn't mean all those who use the term view it the same way. I've seen it used to attack "evil white people" and even downplay or dismiss the struggles of those who don't fit the mold such as those unlucky enough to be born into the Bible Belt but are not a mindless drone. As far as "benefits" go, until you can prove to me I have a mansion, high ranking job position, a six-figure income, and a smoking hot wife in wait somewhere I don't know about, I am going to keep calling BS. I don't live in my own house or apartment, I've been grinding away at my first and so far only job for nearly 12 years with no promotional offers, my last raise on my income (Which is poverty level) was 20 cents, and being non-religious as well as not a loud obnoxious jerk makes an already small dating pool even smaller for me. Of course, because I don't walk in lockstep with you, none of these things count as struggles to you.
Last edited by Marknis on 18 Jan 2018, 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.