XenoMind wrote:
kamiyu910 wrote:
The term, "white privilege," in and of itself is not racist
It's racist just by the definition, because it's based on this distinction only: race. Stop trying to call black white, this is really boring and doesn't make any sense.
It's only racist if you think there cannot be black privilege, or Hispanic, or Asian privilege as well. There is an inherent preference to one's specific race, tribalism basically, that most people are rather unaware of, and so if a Hispanic person is in a majority Hispanic area, they will be more likely to have a racially specific privilege by way of people being more likely to cater to them. This goes for a Japanese person in a majority Japanese area, etc. I personally wouldn't consider it "privilege" really, tho. It's just biological programming, rather than something afforded to only a few.
The term "white privilege" all by itself is just a statement, tho. Where it gets racist is when people assign specific definitions to it, or connotations, such as how many people consider "white pride" to be a racist statement. However, they claim that black pride is not at all in any circumstance racist, which I find hypocritical. Either both statements are racist, or neither are.
Of course with our current social climate, the term has become racially charged, with how many people use it to silence others merely because of their race. That is despicable, especially when they try to justify it. There is no justification for hating an entire group of people.
It's like, "we're so anti racist! Watch as we completely silence, judge, ridicule, and guilt, this entire demographic based on their skin color!!" Any time anyone treats someone differently because of their race, it is by definition racist.
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