sc wrote:
Thats why democracy is superior. Communist are brain washed monkey's

Socialism spawned communism and Nazism is not that much different then the united delusions of communist socialists.
All hail the moneky's from the pits of hell, from within hell. Not.. LAugh snort

Fact is, most real aspies know that:
All poltiical idealogies are based on peoples prejudices, MOST peoples political alignments have nothing to do with rationality, and everything to do with their BASE INSTINCTS and FEELINGS and prejudices, and unsavory animal instincts. Democracies as they currently exist, only give small choices, most decisions are made by specialists with no input from the general public since they are not equipped to make many decisions in democracies.
Hence there is THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE most of the time, if democracy was really in effect, most people would make piracy of copyrighted material legal and find some other way to compensate those that make those things.
Sure populations can vote to have something done but the fact is, all decisions have economic or material displacement consequences, if you say have social services for peoples with disabilities, that money and those resources have to come from somewhere.
SPECIALISTS have to be trained to make many decisions in a democracy since most of the time the general public simply is not educated enough to do so, simply because their time in school wasn't spent on learning that path or they were brought up idiots under backward worldviews or had poor education growing up.
As specialization and capitalism increases DEMOCRACY decreases, since decsion makers becomes more and more specialized and democracies are beholden to economic forces, so their decisions are mostly to do with the "real politics" of MARKET POWER PLAYERS. It's business that controls the world, not governments. Governments and nations are a handy way the rich people set up "worker farms" for endless supply of infinitely divisible (in terms of money) cheap labour. This is why wars take place: To destabilize economies and reduce many people in the population to mere survival state, so they do not end up sucking up resources the rich want for themselves.
The fact is real sound political idealogies are based on peoples internal sense of morality or justice, the compass either swings towards ALTRUISTIC CO-OPERATION, or COMPETITIVE SELFISHNESS. Most political idealogies are a mix of both, but both communism and socialism CAN WORK, but people's base behaviour is the problem.
If you took a small group of say 50,000 communists, or socialists and put them together and they were able to detach themselves from their emotional investment in their solutions, you could have near utopic societies, most people make a lot of ballyhoo about the WORK that needs to be done, but the fact is: People are imperfect decision makers, so thats where, selfishness, and division comes in. People align with their feelings, prejudices and judgements --- AND THATS WHERE THE PROBLEM START... the fact is if you really cared about solving world problems like hunger, low wages, etc, you wouldn't TRY TO ENRICH YOURSELF, you'd live modestly or with as little as you needed to survive and make yourself content and happy because the greater goal of living co-operatively and caring and being responsible for your world, it's resources and the people in it TAKE PRECEDENCE over everything else.
Capitalism isn't moral in any sense of the word... since under capitalist markets, peoples finite paid time to work is devalued constantly and is made RELATIVE to the amount of superior armed force, market forces, or an individuals leverage. Then there is socially constructed propaganda in a population that you have to "Weed out independent thinking" against those in power and who control the people who participate in market societies.
Take for instance many american's blind adherence to capitalism, or ANYONES blind adherence to a political idealogy that has not used LOGIC, reason and RESPECT as the basis for a political idealogy.
Any idealogy INFUSED with the base tendencies of man is at some point DESTINED to be outgrown or else it will just endlessly cycle in booms and busts, until someone gets so powerful they can basically mind control entire populations through media, distortions, nano-technology, genetic engineering, putting things in peoples food to influence their moods or behaviour and development, without their knowledge.
Last edited by Mordy on 08 Jun 2006, 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.