iamnotaparakeet wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Dox47 wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
the definition of racism is hotly contested, but wikipedia has a succinct definition that i agree with:
Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.[1] Racism's effects are called "racial discrimination." In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or receive preferential treatment.
do you see that the minor actions that appear to be racism against whites are not included in this definition?
Notice that it also doesn't cover minor inconveniences to
any race, nor does it cover disparaging statements about other races that fall short of claiming genetic inferiority.
Did you notice that the definition you provided from the Omniscient Wikipedia said that racism also involves preferential treatment? The policies of Affirmative Action and "Equal Opportunity Employment" were made by Congress and the Senate. These policies encourage the preferential treatment of some individuals over others on the basis of skin color or other minority status, so Congress and the Senate encourage racism.
nope, that is a minor inconvenience as long as disproportionately more white people have positions in those same fields. in many cases, even with equal opportunity employment programs, certain groups are still disadvantaged. affirmative action is intended to change systemic racism (also included in the definition).
besides, if there is a job to fill, and there are 2 equal candidates - one white and one black, why shouldn't the black person be selected, in those careers where they are underrepresented? why not fill the job with an individual who is institutionally disadvantaged, if all other aspects are equal?
in that definition, the "preferential treatment" is based on the idea of superiority. nobody is saying racial minorites are superior - simply equal. based on that distinction, affirmative action is not racist.
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