YippySkippy wrote:
I have heard the eyes of corpses are glued shut, not sewn.
One of the reasons for embalming is that it prevents "dead" people waking up six feet under. I'm sure you've heard stories of people waking up in the morgue? It does happen occasionally even today, and exhumed bodies have also been found with the interior of the casket scratched to bits.
That's a pretty good reason to become cremated, I sure as heck wouldn't want to buried with the possibility of that happening, unless they put a cell phone in there with me, so I could call my family and the cemetery caretakers. The phone should have a high capacity battery, because I don't want to be in the same predicament as Ryan Reynolds in the movie Buried. Heck, maybe I'll keep that regular battery, sounds like a better story to sell.
If not that, then just pour a vat of sulfuric acid into my casket.