Obres wrote:
Funded by the government,
Not really. There was no guarantee that the Apple line would succeed, for example. Jobs and Wozniack just as easily could have lost. The Transistor was invented at Bell labs and not at a government funded project.
The only thing the government did was the first generation of Internet, the DARPA network. All the other stuff was done by industry or the universities.
And no, Al Gore did not invent the internet.
The first all electronic computer ever invented was by Atanassof in 1938 at the University of Indiana I think. It was a private project and he built his first crude all electronic computer with second hand components on his own time. Not one single government buck went into it.
In 1939 Konrad Zeuss invented a similar computer in Germany independently. Again, it was not a government project and it was done on Zeuss' initiative.
Government funding came on line later on.
The first computers that small businesses and individuals could afford were build by DEC and a few other companies. A well off individual could afford to buy his own PDP-8, for example. The maxicomputers built by IBM could only be purchased by large well heeled business and government.
The desk top computers were the result of entreprenuers who had no guaranteed of success. Their line of development was a end-run around the big machines.