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11 Dec 2013, 6:45 am

LKL wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
LKL wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
You are much older than me, so you've had much more time to change your lifestyle. However, what we do is irrelevant as debates are about our points, not us. You are also apparently a libertarian, I do not subscribe to libertarian philosophy, especially when I believe an catastrophe can be avoided.

actually, I've been a vegetarian (with occasional brief lapses) since 1995. Also, I'm a socialist. :D

Hey, you still would have been older than me. I've been vegetarian sense I've been born with daily lapses. I guess I must be RADICALLY socialist. :P

I guess I misunderstood the point you were trying to make. What was your point, exactly?

And you don't find just leaving someone to die when you can easily save them to be morally evil?

Applying my health care talents to helping someone is a far cry from forcing me to donate part of my body to them.
I don't think it would be as bad as slavery as slavery is control over one's labors and efforts and time, not just their tissues.

What, you don't think that the surgery to cut someone's kidney/liver out, and then to recover from that, counts as time and effort? You don't think that pregnancy counts as time and effort? Not to mention a pretty significant amount of pain and suffering.

Pregnancy isn't control over a woman's body, that's the natural process of things

Yeah, actually it is. The zef takes over a woman's body pretty damn effectively.

Rather, abortion is violates the fetuses rights over it's own body AND it's life.

Even a born human does not have the right to use another person's body without their permission, much less an unformed zef. If someone were to try to take my liver without my permission, I would be well within my rights to kill them, no matter how much they needed it.

The difference between cutting open a guy to take out his liver and NOT cutting open a woman to take out a fetus is pretty f***ing obvious.

Abortion, unlike c-sections, do not require 'cutting a woman open.' That's part of why it's safer.
I don't think abortions should just be handed out on the whim.

Baka. Do you really f***ing think that women do this casually? It's surgery. From what I hear, it really f***ing hurts. I've heard that in some cultures abortion is used as the primary means of birth control, but I have to think that it's pure ignorance and/or the lack of availability of other forms of birth control that make it so, because swallowing a pill every day must hurt a hell of a lot less.
Um, most abortions occur after 6 weeks. By then it looks like this {snip pic}

That pic is a little bit advanced, actually, wikipedia notwithstanding. ... ent#Week_6

It's clearly organized, it even has proto-toes. Even a morula is more organized than it appears as the cells are loosly organized based on what they are going to ultimately develop into.

The level of 'organization' present at that stage is negligible, despite the appearance of 'toes' (no, they're not actually toes, even at 8 weeks).
Oh, you dissected brains, good for you, tell, how do you know what it's feeling with so much brain? You literally can't determine sentience for anything, it's a philosophical dilemma.

It's impossible to determine with precision, but it's quite possible to have a fair degree of accuracy. We can look at neurological organization and compare it to the complexity of animal behavior as brains get more and more complex; like I said, a zef isn't even at the level of a fish until the 3rd trimester. EEGs corroborate this conclusion. Things just aren't connected up enough until then.
It's like killing a guy while he is unconscious during surgery because you got tired of performing the operation. He isn't aware at the moment, but he certainly would have been shortly if you didn't freaking kill him.

No, it's like killing an unconscious guy who's physically hooked up to your body and preventing you from living your life, and will be stuck on you for 9 months.
Let me phrase it this way: it doesn't matter if you a carry a backpack or an iron ball if you are going to use it to justify killing a baby.

It's not a f***ing "baby." It's a non-sentient, non-sapient zef, using your body without your permission.
(And pregnancy is not a punishment, stop living in that mindset. Just because you don't like something and you have to live with it doesn't mean it's a punishment. By your logic it magically stops being a punishment and becomes a choice once the baby is born.

It stops being a punishment when and if the woman in question starts wanting it. Once it's born, she can hand it over to CPS or to an adoption agency, and do her best to forget about it, if she doesn't want it.
Pregnancy is one of the greatest gifts that one person can give to another, but without it being a gift given to that person by choice, it becomes a theft of the greatest magnitude instead. It's not a walk in the park.
And I say if there is no complications you might as well go through with the 9 months. It's a life experience. :P

It's a miserable grueling experience that saps your body so seriously that it literally takes years to recover, and may never be recovered from completely. It's not unusual for women to have permanent physiological damage from pregnancy and childbirth, and I'm not talking about stretch marks or other cosmetic issues.
Funny how pro-life people always end up minimizing the experience of pregnancy and childbirth, every single goddamn thread we go through.

People are dying for lack of livers, bone marrow, and kidneys every day; why don't we forcibly establish a donor registry that every citizen must participate in, and take one kidney, some marrow, and a third of a liver from everyone, so that those who need kidneys, marrow, or livers to survive don't die on the waiting list? It would save hundreds or thousands of lives every year, and very few people would die in the donation process or suffer from any long-term harm. Hell, why not mandate biannual blood donations from everyone who is an acceptable donor?

I think that would be a great idea. :P Anyway, the key difference is this clause: "only a single person is a viable donor".

Ever heard of tissue typing? You can't just take a liver from any random person and stick it into a person. That's part of why waiting for an organ takes so long. Right now, there might be someone out there who you're the only perfect tissue match for, and who will die if you don't happen to liquefy your brain in a motorcycle accident in the next moth or so.
To be clear, I'm a registered organ donor, but it only happens once I'm brain-dead and have no interest in using the parts any more.
And what makes you the arbitor of who and who is not a person? That's why your personal views don't matter, mine don't either.

Oh, and what's with the term zef, where did that come from? It sounds like a racial slur. Hey, you were a zef once too! :P

Zygote/Embryo/Fetus. Accounts for the entire span of development from fertilization through birth. If you're not one of those, "it's a person from fertilization!" people, then the relevant term would be 'ef.'
I wouldn't exactly say that I was a zef once, any more than I would say that I was an ovum and/or a spermatozoan once; rather, there once existed a zef which eventually became me.
Breathing is the normal state of a healthy mammal.

Pregnancy isn't a medical condition either if you are going to go by that definition. It's also a normal state of a healthy mammal. As I said, equivocation.

No, actually, pregnancy is not the normal state of a healthy mammal. The fact that it happens on accident does not make it "normal," it makes it "common."
It is not up for the individual to decide what is or is not a disease...

The medical community considers pregnancy a medical condition requiring close monitoring, periodic blood draws, frequent office visits, and often other (uncomfortable) tests as well, not to mention a suite of special behaviors that the woman is advised to perform in order to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. All of the extra care and monitoring is part of why women don't experience the common condition of death in childbirth as frequently as they used to.

I want you to go up to every expecting mother you see and tell them they are diseased, I think they will like.

If they want the zef, they'll agree that they should be getting adequate prenatal care. If they don't want it, the'll be likely to decline the prenatal care and possibly call it something worse than 'disease.'

Pregnancy is REQUIRED for a species survival...

It's required for humans, yes. Your language is very imprecise.
Quote:'re mom was once pregnant, otherwise you wouldn't have been born.

My mother was pro-choice. I'm glad to know that I was wanted, and not something that she eventually convinced herself to 'accept.'
You can hardly call a essential mechanism a species survival a disease.

I can call it a medical condition. Even a dangerous medical condition.

Breathing could kill you to!

Breathing does not kill anyone, unless there is poison in the air.
Yes, you are less likely to die from abortion, you are also significantly less likely to die when you sit on your ass instead of doing something heroic (like going into fires, standing up to armed attacks, pushing old lady out from in front of cars ect.), though I can't find any precise statistics on heroism.

heroism or inaction is a choice.
Not to mention that there is nearly a 10 times, in the very least more than 5 times, greater chance a fetus will die if you go with an abortion than follow through with the pregnancy. :P

The zef doesn't get a choice, since it's using the woman's body without her permission.
Oh, and your claim about pregnancy only sometimes resulting in a genetically unique organism is more or less false: a genetically unique organism is created at conception, which could be said to be the start of pregnancy.

You are correct that conception is when a genetically unique 2n organism is created, but it is not the start of pregnancy. Pregnancy starts when the zygote implants in the uterus, which less than half of them do.
when you are getting that picky, but birth does not magically turn a fetus into a unique organism.

Presumably you mean "genetically unique." No, it turns it into an organism capable of its own homeostasis.
Never said it was healthy to not want to be breathing, but it's the belief, not the fact that you are breathing, that's considered a disease. By extension, I guess not wanting to get pregnant is a disease. :P (jk).

Only if you consider pregnancy to be always healthy, normal, comfortable, mundane, routine, life-sustaining and good for the woman in question.
None of which it is.[/quote]
So risking yourself for another living thing is completely ludacris? My bed isn't comfortable, it must be a disease. Female apache attack heilo pilots must be a disease too, because it obviously isn't healthy, routine, normal, mundane or life sustaining to get blown up by an rpg.
If that were all true, why am I able to bear being asperger's ridden and lonely? I must have a disease, why don't I go get myself aborted too. Oh yeah the homeless must be a disease as well.

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11 Dec 2013, 6:52 am

Yes I do reason being it is the womans choice and her body next off I think it is even worse to force a woman to give birth to a child of a father thats raped her. How is the mother going to explain who his or her daddy is? Not to mention the kid is going to be a living reminder of a result of a man taking advantage of the woman and violating her against her will for the rest of her life! I am no woman but think about it, its common f**kin sense! If I was a woman and raped hell yeah I would get an abortion! How would you like to be a child reminded that your father is a rapist?If I was a child reminded that my father was a rapist I would be depressed for the rest of my life hate my father then probably kill myself!

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11 Dec 2013, 7:03 am

Ganondox wrote:
Um, most abortions occur after 6 weeks. By then it looks like this: [pic]

Can I have that Embryo Laminated in a Keychain?

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11 Dec 2013, 7:10 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
Yes I do reason being it is the womans choice and her body next off I think it is even worse to force a woman to give birth to a child of a father thats raped her. How is the mother going to explain who his or her daddy is? Not to mention the kid is going to be a living reminder of a result of a man taking advantage of the woman and violating her against her will for the rest of her life! I am no woman but think about it, its common f**kin sense! If I was a woman and raped hell yeah I would get an abortion! How would you like to be a child reminded that your father is a rapist?If I was a child reminded that my father was a rapist I would be depressed for the rest of my life hate my father then probably kill myself!

Yeah, you finally brought up suicide didn't you? I expected this was the mindset of a lot of pro choicers. I have SAD, doesn't mean I am going to try to kill myself everytime I feel depressed. I play zombie killing games and watch movies.
Plus, if she is getting raped, she can kill the bastard, she has a right to defend herself!

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11 Dec 2013, 7:13 am

Yeah but the bible states thou shalt not kill plus blaming the victim for being raped makes things worse! Not all women are capable of defending themselves against a 200+ lb man unless she has a gun!

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11 Dec 2013, 7:14 am

appletheclown wrote:
Abortion is actually more dangerous to the mother than giving birth is, any abortion. Abortion is the most abnormal way to take care of it. Infection, infertility, and death are all raised as a chance drastically when getting an abortion. Half birth is one of the most sick ones I've seen yet. It is healthier for the Woman with what you call a 'zef', to give birth than to ever get an abortion.


The health risks of abortion are significantly lower than the health risks of pregnancy.

*Illegal* (unsafe) abortions are risky, of course, but this risk can easily be reduced by making abortion legal and easily available. Maternal death rates in South Africa dropped by 90 percent after abortion was legalized in 1996.


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11 Dec 2013, 7:19 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
Yeah but the bible states thou shalt not kill plus blaming the victim for being raped makes things worse! Not all women are capable of defending themselves against a 200+ lb man unless she has a gun!

I never blamed the victim, thanks for implicating that. I said if some one is raping her, she is allowed to kill them in self defence. emphasis on THE RIGHT TO DO SO. Rapists deserve to be shot by their victims. And the bible says "thou shall not kill", not "thou shall save a life or kill or any combination of the two".

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11 Dec 2013, 7:25 am

GGPViper wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
Abortion is actually more dangerous to the mother than giving birth is, any abortion. Abortion is the most abnormal way to take care of it. Infection, infertility, and death are all raised as a chance drastically when getting an abortion. Half birth is one of the most sick ones I've seen yet. It is healthier for the Woman with what you call a 'zef', to give birth than to ever get an abortion.


The health risks of abortion are significantly lower than the health risks of pregnancy.

*Illegal* (unsafe) abortions are risky, of course, but this risk can easily be reduced by making abortion legal and easily available. Maternal death rates in South Africa dropped by 90 percent after abortion was legalized in 1996.


Death rates of the older women who already had a life, plus if they hadn't been getting illegal abortions, those deaths would not have happened. Interesting two of your sources come from a government source, and none from a private lab or hospital. The only slightly valid but completely biased link is to a co op of doctors whom share opinions on everything.
Illeagl abortions are not the same as going through with a pregnancy, why is this even one of your examples?

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11 Dec 2013, 7:46 am

Ganondox wrote:
It's the logical conclusion of what you said. Blaming the problems of poverty on the poor existing. Tsk tsk. Poor people are people, not a population number. I agree that fighting poverty is a much more important issue than abortion, but that doesn't by extension make abortion right.

I do not blame the problems of poverty on the poor existing. You continue to read into my words more than is there based on your personal faulty assumptions. I believe poverty is one of the most significant problems in this country and in most parts of the world. In my opinion, it is not the poor that are the problem, it is those who drive others into poverty. My point is that a complete ban on abortion would exacerbate the problem of poverty significantly. It is difficult to make progress on poverty when you continuously increase the ranks of the needy.

I'm not demanding anything from anyone, just debating what I think the law SHOULD be. The law as it is is completely irrelevant.

And I respect the fact that you are entitled to your opinion and your right to express it. As the current law is directly related to the way you would wish to see the law changed, I feel that it is quite relevant. You cannot talk about what the law should be if you do not acknowledge what laws exist now. Personally, I have issues with using any laws to regulate morality other than those absolutely vital to maintaining order and improving the economic stability of a nation. This goes for many laws (unrelated to the current topic) on the books, and I let my representatives to Congress know my positions on a regular basis.

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11 Dec 2013, 9:24 am

Okay, there is a lot I want to say, like how medical condition is synonymous with disease and pregnancy is a normal state of a healthy mammal or the first point was a completely irrelevant tangent or how no matter how many brains you cut up and cross compare and how much behavior you observe you can't feel what it's like to be a fly or "zef"s aren't simply parasites that randomly appear in woman to suck out their blood enternally, but that is way too segmented for me to reply to it all, and most of it's not important. It's really hard and time consuming to insert a shiton of quote tags into a text wall. Anyway, I think this really boils down to one thing. Your group thinks it's okay to terminate a life as long as it's dependent and causing a significant burden, even if temporary, and I think it's absurd because I believe that right of life trumps that as death is permanent, being pregnant, as serious as it is and the lasting effects it has, is temporary. Another thing is a I think the need for so many abortions is a symptom of greater problems that should be dealt with involving poverty, woman's rights, education, and moral standards. It's like hunting more deer because we killed all the wolves.

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11 Dec 2013, 9:51 am

Ganondox wrote:
"zef"s aren't simply parasites that randomly appear in woman to suck out their blood enternally.

just for the record, plenty of parasites are temporary. Mosquitos and ticks are some of the most common parasites, and only attack the host until the host is no longer needed.

Anyway, I think this really boils down to one thing. Your group thinks it's okay to terminate a life as long as it's dependent and causing a significant burden, even if temporary, and I think it's absurd because I believe that right of life trumps that as death is permanent, being pregnant, as serious as it is and the lasting effects it has, is temporary.

You are oversimplifying. Many people who do not agree with do not believe it is ok to terminate a life, as they have a different defintion than you about when life begins. Pregnancy is temporary, but its effects are permanent.[/quote]

Another thing is a I think the need for so many abortions is a symptom of greater problems that should be dealt with involving poverty, woman's rights, education, and moral standards. It's like hunting more deer because we killed all the wolves.

Other than dealing with "moral standards," I would agree that addressing these problems would be much more effective in reducing the number of abortions than legislation by far.

I do not understand your hunting analogy. Could you please elaborate some?

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11 Dec 2013, 7:20 pm

First of all, it is rather offensive that the title of this thread uses the term "support abortion".

It is not called pro-abortion. It is called pro-choice.

I do believe that any decision regarding pregnancy is a very emotional and difficult choice to make. That being said, I think taking away options (regardless of intention) does more harm on the mother's psyche than good. A woman gets raped against her own imagine that woman having to have that child against her own will. The rape victim will just feel that the ability to make decisions is being taken away from her little by little. That can be mentally damaging.

Granted I know that not all rape victims experience this but I do think a good number of them do.

That said, no one is proud of having abortions. No one likes having them. But in the end, it does become their last resort.

I'm all for decreasing abortions, but it should be done through honest means such as family planning and non-bias counseling. You will not accomplish anything through restriction tactics or those ridiculous ultrasound bills. I hate those ultrasound bills because they're nothing more than a sneak tactic to guilt people out of having abortions.

Also if gun and drug restrictions have taught us anything else, it's that restrictions don't really restrict. People will find a way around those restrictions often to far more dangerous and criminal results than had those restrictions not existed in the first place.


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11 Dec 2013, 7:31 pm

raisedbyignorance wrote:
First of all, it is rather offensive that the title of this thread uses the term "support abortion".

It is not called pro-abortion. It is called pro-choice.


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11 Dec 2013, 10:43 pm

appletheclown wrote:
All your making it sound like to me is people who get abortions are sexually inexperienced whiners.

Please be specific. What has anyone said that makes those who seek abortions sound like they are "sexually inexperienced"? And how is that even remotely relevant? Why do you think that it is "whining" to not want to be pregnant against your will?
And WTF is a zef?

This has been explained already, but here it is again: Zygote/Embryo/Fetus.
Abortion is actually more dangerous to the mother than giving birth is, any abortion.

You are not only factually incorrect, you are off by an order of magnitude.

Edit: GGP already submitted a couple of links, and your response was that they were 'invalid because they were government funded'? That they were 'invalid because the women were old'?
Dude, can you even read an abstract? And do you really think that an NIH study is less valid than a bit of data coming from a private clinic? Seriously, you're delusional.

Infection, infertility, and death are all raised as a chance drastically when getting an abortion.

None of these are more likely in an abortion than they are in childbirth.
Fear of taking one of natures gift (god's gifts) and treating it like trash is your business, yes, but this thing you call a 'zef' is still living, made out of human cells, and is living. It doesn't matter if it is a parasite, it is still human. A woman's embryos are human, how could what you call a 'zef' not be?

If it's a gift, it's sometimes a white elephant.
If it's alive, so are the billions of animals slaughtered every year in horrific conditions - and unlike the zefs, those animals can, and do, suffer. If it is human, so is every fingernail paring and tumor ever removed from a human. If it is genetically unique, human, and alive, so is every unimplanted zygote flushed down the toilet by a woman unaware that anything was even a little different that particular month.

appletheclown wrote:
So risking yourself for another living thing is completely ludacris?

Of course not. It can be quite noble, if it's a choice.
Female apache attack heilo pilots must be a disease too, because it obviously isn't healthy, routine, normal, mundane or life sustaining to get blown up by an rpg.

Soldiers, in general, choose to risk themselves in combat. We no longer have an active draft, in the US at least.
If that were all true, why am I able to bear being asperger's ridden and lonely? I must have a disease, why don't I go get myself aborted too. Oh yeah the homeless must be a disease as well.

Asperger's is certainly a medical condition. Homelessness is more of a sociological or cultural condition than a medical one, although it can be caused or exacerbated by medical conditions like schizophrenia.

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11 Dec 2013, 11:22 pm

1. It's still none of anyone's business but the woman involved.

2. appletheclown: the correct spelling is "ludicrous." Spelling it like that lame rapper makes you look ignorant. Mind you, your position in this topic is already doing that quite well enough.

3. I would imagine that I, as a registered nurse, am the only person currently posting to this thread who has actually attended women who were receiving abortions. So I can tell you that abortion in the first twelve weeks is medically on a par with getting your tonsils out. It doesn't require a hospital stay and you are in the clinic for a few hours, tops. How someone can have spun this into "abortions are always more dangerous than childbirth" is one of those mysteries of profound stupidity that only come up when you're around "pro-life" types.


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12 Dec 2013, 3:17 am

sonofghandi wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
"zef"s aren't simply parasites that randomly appear in woman to suck out their blood enternally.

just for the record, plenty of parasites are temporary. Mosquitos and ticks are some of the most common parasites, and only attack the host until the host is no longer needed.

*internally, it being temporary had nothing to do with my point.

Anyway, I think this really boils down to one thing. Your group thinks it's okay to terminate a life as long as it's dependent and causing a significant burden, even if temporary, and I think it's absurd because I believe that right of life trumps that as death is permanent, being pregnant, as serious as it is and the lasting effects it has, is temporary.

You are oversimplifying. Many people who do not agree with do not believe it is ok to terminate a life, as they have a different defintion than you about when life begins. Pregnancy is temporary, but its effects are permanent.

Yes it's oversimplifying, but here the definition of life appears to be entirely based on homeostasis, thus independent.

Another thing is a I think the need for so many abortions is a symptom of greater problems that should be dealt with involving poverty, woman's rights, education, and moral standards. It's like hunting more deer because we killed all the wolves.

Other than dealing with "moral standards," I would agree that addressing these problems would be much more effective in reducing the number of abortions than legislation by far.

I do not understand your hunting analogy. Could you please elaborate some?

I'm not here to debate the morality of casual sex, the way I see it the need for abortions is what would make it immoral, but the hunting analogy is that a problem is solved in a morally questionable way when the problem wouldn't even exist in the first place if it wasn't for morally questionable activity. Ultimately the problem is solved, but it's the not natural way.

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