Fnord wrote:
Pizzagal3000 wrote:
No. NEVER join the military. EVER! Especially if you are a very young black man! If so, you are far more likely to be placed on infantry!
Yet another person who speaks from a lack of direct experience.
First of all, you don't know if I were in the military or not! You don't know who I am. I could be a CIA agent. You don't know me.
I would like to see you talk smart like that to soldiers suffering from PTSD.
You haven't the slightest idea what they go thru! You are heartless and close minded. You obviously shun the very idea that this government is working to turn this country into a police state first and then a military state.
They are as subtle as Satan. They will slowly but surely desensitize you thru as many means as they can, such as the tv.
You are just another mind control slave.
WAKE UP! Or maybe you are one of "them."
I dress anyway want I to, do anything I want to, be anything I want to, cause I got the right to! I is talkin to you(ppl who "oppress" us), boo!----PizzA TimE!! !