Why should the government "help" people with Aspergers?

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22 Mar 2015, 9:07 pm

I sure wish I could. but Canada throws many barriers to americans specifically, preventing them from even entering.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:14 pm

auntblabby wrote:
I sure wish I could. but Canada throws many barriers to americans specifically, preventing them from even entering.

Really? I never heard that.


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22 Mar 2015, 9:14 pm


Because governments should help everyone.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:18 pm

Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I sure wish I could. but Canada throws many barriers to americans specifically, preventing them from even entering.

Really? I never heard that.

yes, starting in 1981, americans must jump over this combination of hurdles-
*spotless criminal record including misdemeanors and traffic tickets
*net worth of at least half a mil-
*bachelors degree or higher educational achievement
*blood relations in country

the first one kept out several thousand americans during the last winter Olympics in Canada. that is a non-negotiable thing. applicants for residence must meet that condition plus 2 out of the three others listed. this has its origins in the thousands of US draft dodgers entering Canada during the Vietnam war.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:22 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I sure wish I could. but Canada throws many barriers to americans specifically, preventing them from even entering.

Really? I never heard that.

yes, starting in 1981, americans must jump over this combination of hurdles-
*spotless criminal record including misdemeanors and traffic tickets
*net worth of at least half a mil-
*bachelors degree or higher educational achievement
*blood relations in country

the first one kept out several thousand americans during the last winter Olympics in Canada. that is a non-negotiable thing. applicants for residence must meet that condition plus 2 out of the three others listed. this has its origins in the thousands of US draft dodgers entering Canada during the Vietnam war.

Any exceptions for the disabled?


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22 Mar 2015, 9:23 pm

sorry, don't know the answer to that. I would suspect not. but you are Canadian so you are all set, compared to americans who are subject to the whims of the social darwinists in power at all levels.


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22 Mar 2015, 9:28 pm

auntblabby wrote:
i'll take what help you don't want, then.

I have experienced firsthand the type of 'help' that they offer. Firstly when I was institutionalised when I was 11- 14, and also through a series of foster homes from when I was fifteen until the day that I turned 18 and I was turned out on the street to fend for myself.

A caseworker will set you up in a taxpayer funded apartment, and provide you with food, and perhaps clothing as well at taxpayer expense but when you want something tangible such as job, or vocational training, or even further education they will give you the classic liberal line of 'Well, we're so sorry, but the government (That they get $30K-$40K yearly in salary for essentially doing nothing) spends so much money on the military that they can't afford to help you with that'.

The entire system that exists would be better if it was completely dismantled, and the the caseworkers involved would be more productive as human beings if they were out in the middle of a traffic intersection with a big 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD' sign.

If you want my share of that type of 'help', then you are more than welcome to it.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:36 pm

it's obvious we spend an obscene amount of our military-industrial complex. need to spend less on broadswords and more on plough sheers.


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22 Mar 2015, 9:37 pm

Fogman wrote:
K_Kelly wrote:
Do you believe that the government should "help" people with Aspergers? I find the government trying to "help" any minority offensive. It makes me feel somehow lower.

F*** NO!! ! ! Every time the Government tends to 'help' they wind up really f***ing things up. Every time the Government gets bigger and more intricate, the more unwieldy and problematic it becomes, and this only mires once free people in regulations, inconcgruent policies and red tape. --I need Government help and case management like I need a hole in my head.

To draw a quick comparison of this, look at all of the 'help' the US Government gav the Native Americans, and how Native American tribes have gone from being sovereign nations to groups of people killing themselves off thanks to the welfare subsistance handouts given to them. --I will NOT subject myself to this type of 'help'. :evil:

In my opinion the government has a duty to its citizens....there is a problem with government corruption. Is even realistic to have no government at all?....it seems probably not, so I'd think a better solution is better government and less corruption, however a lot of people just seem to stick their head in the sand about the corruption...or spout that they shouldn't do anything to help the public including people at a disadvantage, seems more realistic to address the corruption.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:39 pm

Fogman wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i'll take what help you don't want, then.

I have experienced firsthand the type of 'help' that they offer. Firstly when I was institutionalised when I was 11- 14, and also through a series of foster homes from when I was fifteen until the day that I turned 18 and I was turned out on the street to fend for myself.

A caseworker will set you up in a taxpayer funded apartment, and provide you with food, and perhaps clothing as well at taxpayer expense but when you want something tangible such as job, or vocational training, or even further education they will give you the classic liberal line of 'Well, we're so sorry, but the government (That they get $30K-$40K yearly in salary for essentially doing nothing) spends so much money on the military that they can't afford to help you with that'.

The entire system that exists would be better if it was completely dismantled, and the the caseworkers involved would be more productive as human beings if they were out in the middle of a traffic intersection with a big 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD' sign.

If you want my share of that type of 'help', then you are more than welcome to it.

Move to ontario, they actually do help with finding work here. As well as money.


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22 Mar 2015, 9:43 pm

Fogman wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i'll take what help you don't want, then.

I have experienced firsthand the type of 'help' that they offer. Firstly when I was institutionalised when I was 11- 14, and also through a series of foster homes from when I was fifteen until the day that I turned 18 and I was turned out on the street to fend for myself.

A caseworker will set you up in a taxpayer funded apartment, and provide you with food, and perhaps clothing as well at taxpayer expense but when you want something tangible such as job, or vocational training, or even further education they will give you the classic liberal line of 'Well, we're so sorry, but the government (That they get $30K-$40K yearly in salary for essentially doing nothing) spends so much money on the military that they can't afford to help you with that'.

The entire system that exists would be better if it was completely dismantled, and the the caseworkers involved would be more productive as human beings if they were out in the middle of a traffic intersection with a big 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD' sign.

If you want my share of that type of 'help', then you are more than welcome to it.

How is that a liberal line, sounds more like a lame excuse for government negligence towards those who do need help. Also if the entire welfare system was completely dismantled that would mean I would not be able to afford food, medical care, therapy or other living costs. Improving the system would probably be a better option.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:44 pm

some people don't wanna "improve the system" - they just wanna watch it burn, come what may. they don't want to consider things any further than that.

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22 Mar 2015, 9:44 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Fogman wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i'll take what help you don't want, then.

I have experienced firsthand the type of 'help' that they offer. Firstly when I was institutionalised when I was 11- 14, and also through a series of foster homes from when I was fifteen until the day that I turned 18 and I was turned out on the street to fend for myself.

A caseworker will set you up in a taxpayer funded apartment, and provide you with food, and perhaps clothing as well at taxpayer expense but when you want something tangible such as job, or vocational training, or even further education they will give you the classic liberal line of 'Well, we're so sorry, but the government (That they get $30K-$40K yearly in salary for essentially doing nothing) spends so much money on the military that they can't afford to help you with that'.

The entire system that exists would be better if it was completely dismantled, and the the caseworkers involved would be more productive as human beings if they were out in the middle of a traffic intersection with a big 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD' sign.

If you want my share of that type of 'help', then you are more than welcome to it.

How is that a liberal line, sounds more like a lame excuse for government negligence towards those who do need help. Also if the entire welfare system was completely dismantled that would mean I would not be able to afford food, medical care, therapy or other living costs. Improving the system would probably be a better option.

Agreed - people who say to entirely dismantle it, are extremely short-sighted.


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22 Mar 2015, 9:47 pm

Canadian1911 wrote:
Agreed - people who say to entirely dismantle it, are extremely short-sighted.

and more often than not, unconcerned about who it hurts, as well.


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22 Mar 2015, 9:50 pm

auntblabby wrote:
some people don't wanna "improve the system" - they just wanna watch it burn, come what may. they don't want to consider things any further than that.

IDK last I checked the definition of Liberal is:
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
(often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression:
a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or relating to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant:
a liberal attitude toward foreigners.

So given that 'we can't spend money to help the public and help people to enrich their lives because we would rather spend a disportionate amount on the military equipment(because remember most people in the military get paid kinda sh*tty given the risk of the job and physical/mental damage it can cause)' coming from the government does not seem very liberal of them. lol

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22 Mar 2015, 9:52 pm

Canadian1911 wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Fogman wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i'll take what help you don't want, then.

I have experienced firsthand the type of 'help' that they offer. Firstly when I was institutionalised when I was 11- 14, and also through a series of foster homes from when I was fifteen until the day that I turned 18 and I was turned out on the street to fend for myself.

A caseworker will set you up in a taxpayer funded apartment, and provide you with food, and perhaps clothing as well at taxpayer expense but when you want something tangible such as job, or vocational training, or even further education they will give you the classic liberal line of 'Well, we're so sorry, but the government (That they get $30K-$40K yearly in salary for essentially doing nothing) spends so much money on the military that they can't afford to help you with that'.

The entire system that exists would be better if it was completely dismantled, and the the caseworkers involved would be more productive as human beings if they were out in the middle of a traffic intersection with a big 'WILL WORK FOR FOOD' sign.

If you want my share of that type of 'help', then you are more than welcome to it.

How is that a liberal line, sounds more like a lame excuse for government negligence towards those who do need help. Also if the entire welfare system was completely dismantled that would mean I would not be able to afford food, medical care, therapy or other living costs. Improving the system would probably be a better option.

Agreed - people who say to entirely dismantle it, are extremely short-sighted.

I have said that out of anger from time to time...but anger does make one short-sighted I think, in the long term however it may not be for the best, typically going about it that way kind of just leaves breeding ground for a system just as bad if not worse much of the time.

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