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Which GOP hopeful do you think will be hardest to defeat in the 2016 elections?
Donald Trump 23%  23%  [ 19 ]
Scott Walker 8%  8%  [ 7 ]
Rand Paul 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Lindsey Graham 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Chris Christie 7%  7%  [ 6 ]
Rick Perry 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Mike Huckabee 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
George Pataki 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Marco Rubio 14%  14%  [ 12 ]
Someone Else Entirely 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 84


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21 Sep 2015, 5:10 pm

AntDog wrote:
And then there were 14 with Scott Walker dropping out.
He had somewhat more support than Perry at 2.5%, once a frontrunner, his drop followed Trump's entry.

The irony is, had Trump not entered the race as a spoiler, Walker or someone like him very possibly might have been the front runner.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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21 Sep 2015, 9:14 pm

Walker's drop out speech summarized:

Would be great if Bush drops next.


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22 Sep 2015, 2:44 am

Dox47 wrote:
Raptor wrote:
For me it will come down to voting for the lesser evil and I won't even be sure that I'm 100% right.

You know, I really, really hate that style of pragmatic voting, even though I've done it myself in the past, simply because it reinforces the f*cked up partisan system that's straitjacketing us.

In my case it's as much resignation as pragmatism. No one worth a s**t would take the job and if they did how long before they are corrupted?

The thing about Trump, and let's be honest here, I loathe the man personally, is that he's got the traditional political class sh*****g their pants cause they can't control him, they can't stop him, and he's kicking over the apple cart, and whatever his personal failings may be, I think that's a good thing. Perhaps a buffoon of his caliber getting elected is what it's going to take to wake people up to the sickness of our system, at this point I'm willing to give it a shot.

Trump is just trolling the electorate and after he's had his fun I figure he'll drop out. I would be very surprised if he actually stays the course and even more so if he gets elected. Having said that, all I see coming out of his pie hole is BS only intended to appeal to some while inflicting butthurt on others. He does neither for me.

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22 Sep 2015, 2:52 am

AntDog wrote:
And then there were 14 with Scott Walker dropping out.
He had somewhat more support than Perry at 2.5%, once a frontrunner, his drop followed Trump's entry.

Unlike Trump, I could take Walker seriously as a candidate. I'm just waiting for Trump to blow away so we can get on with it. At most I get some enjoyment out of the butthurt he's causing. :twisted:

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22 Sep 2015, 4:51 am

I can only speculate Perry and Walker may have bailed so they can start courting remaining candidates as a potential VP runningmate?
My prediction for next-out: Cruz.

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22 Sep 2015, 8:48 am

Walker is not a charismatic guy, I never thought he would be able to win a national election. He dropped out because the money has dried up, his support is nil in the polls, and he's a party guy ready to step out of the way now that he is not viable.

Cruz won't drop out as he has the funds and he'll ride on the coattails of Trump hoping the his support will transfer over to him. He is not a party guy and does not care about thinning the field.

Next person to drop out? Probably one of the random ones you forget are even running like George Pataki or Jim Gilmore.


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25 Sep 2015, 8:55 pm

In my life the best President was Ike. It was not even debated when he got a 95% top tax rate, paid off WWII, built the American Autobahn, and kicked out the Mexicans in Operation Wetback.

He was the only one who sat in the drivers seat and drove like a Statesman.

He was the only one Andrew Jackson would not have challenged to a duel.


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26 Sep 2015, 10:04 am

Inventor wrote:
In my life the best President was Ike. It was not even debated when he got a 95% top tax rate, paid off WWII, built the American Autobahn, and kicked out the Mexicans in Operation Wetback.

He was the only one who sat in the drivers seat and drove like a Statesman.

He was the only one Andrew Jackson would not have challenged to a duel.

"Operation Wetback"
Talk about calling a pig's ass pork.

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17 Nov 2015, 8:03 pm

Another one bites the dust, Jindal has dropped out! 14 left
I am not sure where his votes would go, unlike Walker or Jeb, Jindal didn't really drop after Trump came in because his numbers were already very low to begin with. There is a slight drop from when Fiorina and Carson began their rise.

Last edited by AntDog on 17 Nov 2015, 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Nov 2015, 8:07 pm

I don't even know what half the people in this race are even doing

Jim Gilmore, it's not going to happen man


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18 Nov 2015, 4:28 am

Elections are still a year away.

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27 Nov 2015, 11:29 pm

On the huffpollster it currently looks like this:
Trump is far away the frontrunner
Cruz, Rubio and now Carson are battling for second place
Bush is in his own area and should drop out as he continues to plummet towards the kids table
Christie, Fiorina, Paul, Kasich, and Huckabee are in the kids table and should drop out.
Graham, Pataki, Santorum, and Gilmore should just call it a day and drop out. ... ate=custom


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21 Dec 2015, 12:18 pm

The immature whinebag Graham has dropped out, his 100 supporters will go to Rubio, Fiorina, or Bush.
I hope South Carolina replaces him with a real conservative.


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21 Dec 2015, 4:23 pm

AntDog wrote:
The immature whinebag Graham has dropped out, his 100 supporters will go to Rubio, Fiorina, or Bush.
I hope South Carolina replaces him with a real conservative.

And thus ends the possibility - for now -of getting our first obviously gay President.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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21 Dec 2015, 5:06 pm

He's just festive.

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21 Dec 2015, 9:30 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
He's just festive.


-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer