I put this in the Sanctuary Cities thread in news:
On the topic, this is a genius move by Trump.
Trump is no intellectual by any stretch of the imagination. But what everyone seems to miss about this man is his "people intelligence" for lack of a better word. The man has been under constant assault since the day he entered the 2016 race, and yet he sits in the White House and his approval rating has been absolutely rock solid the entire time despite the frenzied efforts of his opposition to bring him down, while the approval rating of the media has plummeted.
He knows people, he understands people keenly. He knows how to size people up and get the measure of them, he knows how to get what he wants from them, how to deal with them, and how to just deflect everything they throw at him, it all just bounces off. He knows how to inspire his supporters. I can't recall any political figure continuing to sell merchandise after the campaign is over. They're still pumping out those MAGA hats and other merchandise. That Twitter feed of his for all the criticism it gets also works in his favour.
He has other attributes. He's 72 and has the energy of a man half his age and the wife to match. He never looks at all tired or worn down. He just keeps right on going while his opponents get bent out of shape and afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It's crazy that his opponents just keep right on going with the tactics that have utterly failed from day 1. They need to be better than Trump if they want to beat him. They can't win by dragging him down, at least not the ways they try to anyway. It just doesn't work, you can't drag him down and they're just hurting themselves in the process. They need to focus on moving their own approval rating, not Trump's.
So I guess it works here too. I was thinking about this topic yesterday when I saw a thing about an 11 year old girl who said the class project she had to do was an essay on your hero. She picked Trump, and says she was berated for it in front of the class and told to pick a different hero.
If true this is ludicrous. He is still the POTUS, voted for by a little under half the nation. People need to accept this. But really it shouldn't have mattered who was chosen, this should be irrelevant in a school project for an eleven year old. I would hope such an assignment would merely be a vehicle to give the child something enjoyable to write about so that their English skills could be assessed and graded.
Anyway, after my first thought about would it be the parents' influence that she chose Trump, it got me wondering why could a girl of 11 years pick Trump? Well he is the president, and maybe his policies might have made life better for her parents? Made her home happier? I also thought about the way Trump deals with all his adversity, like him or not, there is something to respect there.
America should be able to do a lot better than Donald Trump for POTUS, but right now, I don't see where that person is going to be found...
Of course the girl in question should have been able to have written about Trump. The teacher was allowing her prejudices into the classroom.