ruveyn wrote:
Delirium wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
yes because the actions of a few are representative of over a billion people
The 9/11 outrage was a direct consequence of the doctrine. The Muslims who are not Jihadists are not Jihadists to the extent that they are not devout. The key to the thing is how those who are not Muslim are to be treated. In general those who are not Muslim are either to be slain or to be rendered dhummi, strictly according to the Q'ran and the Haddith. The basic objective of Islam is the destruction or subjugation of the dar al harb (the unbelievers).
Fortunately for the human race, most adherents of religions are adherents out of habit rather than deep and passionate conviction.
Islam is a collection of some very bad memes as the rest of us are finding out. Not a day passes without a suicide bombing in the name of Allah the Merciful and the Compassionate. Wait until the next outrage and have your excuses ready.
Wow, I am glad you are not a Muslim!
BTW in my humble opinion you are not quite right (well quite wrong actually

). If you like I can give some direct quotes from Quran and hadith that specifically say to deal with non-believers kindly and justly.
It is bad enough having a bunch of nutters hi-jacking Islam to support their psychotic tendencies - leave alone educated people rendering millions of Muslims beliefs weak and awarding the despicable terrorists the status of "devout Muslims".
So effectively if I don't want to blow up innocent people (which Islam totally prohibits one to do) I am not a devout Muslim according to you!
For reference I can read and understand Arabic (don't have my knowledge based on, in my opinion a rather poor Penguin translation of Quran or www). Having spend all my life studying major faiths - I feel I that I still have so much more to learn.
Just one question about your views. Why so dogmatic?
Best to finish with the words of my favourite philospher, Socrates:
True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.