Drake wrote:
I do hope that word is being used correctly. It has become my most hated word because no one uses it correctly. And because so many use it. You can be deeply sexist and chauvinistic and not one iota misogynistic. People like to slap the word hate on any dissenting view of certain topics, such as being anti-gay. At least there it often is motivated by hate, but it can just as easily be someone viewing a homosexual relationship with roughly the same mindset as looking at someone writing 2+2 = 5. It's just wrong to them.
No, in my, and the other mod's, estimation, he had a sh_tty, misogynistic attitude towards women.
Even if you want to argue that it wasn't "technically" misogynistic, it still wasn't acceptable.
Ironically, people criticize SJWs for their, "everyone is a victim," mentality, but are quick to adopt the mantle of victimhood themselves.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)