If a girl is raped and pregnant, should she keep the baby?

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31 Oct 2012, 6:17 pm

blackelk wrote:
The abortion debate will become obsolete through technology, in some way, sooner or later. I know that for sure.

I was thinking about writing a movie about the near future when women no longer carry babies, but they are all gestated in a tube or something. I mean, why would a woman want to go through all the hassle of pregancy/labor if she doesn't have to? Even if they want the baby.

So they can't use "my body" excuse anymore. Any woman who doesn't want the baby will have it pulled out while in very early stages and thrown in the pile. And those babies will all grow up and be the responsibility of the government or willing private citizens.

Even better: all humans are inherently sterile. Sex is purely for fun and no babies ever come from it. If you want a child you just go to the doctor, fill out some forms, have some samples taken, and they tell you to come back in 9 months.

I would not want to live in that kind of future to be honest. If I were a woman, I would want to carry my own baby, even though you get sick and it really hurts when it comes out. :D

That's one of the downsides of Transhumanism, a movement I am a fan of on the whole. I think things like sexuality are what make us human.


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01 Nov 2012, 6:11 am

LeeAnderson wrote:
A lot of posts in this thread made me shake my head, people thinking they can force a woman to have a baby when she does not wish to after being forced to have sex when she did not wish to. This world would be a horrible place if such people were in charge...

I agree. I used to b epro-life, and say women could/should be forced to carry their fetuses to term, but a pro-choice person I was debating with stated very poignatly the bodily burden of gestating. I don't think a women should be forced to go through this if she doesn't want to.


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01 Nov 2012, 9:47 am

What we are talking about is the upcoming movie "Brave New World " Starring Leonardo DiCaprio. In this society the abortion problem is solved because babies are conceived in test tubes and hatched in artificial wombs. But this society is a free love society because the technology allowed promiscuity without consequences. The society is also one big family.

In the movie conservatives who refused to accept the new ways were put on reservations and had to live outside of the city. The conservatives practiced traditional family values.

Abortion is a big problem and its cries are reaching heaven. Now heaven is offering a solution but these Republicans would rather have innocent babies die then accept a society that allows promiscuity because conservatives consider it whore mongering but that is only true if there is no love.

Last edited by androbot2084 on 01 Nov 2012, 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.


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01 Nov 2012, 9:52 am

According to conservative ideology a poor widow who got remarried could not go to heaven because in heaven she would have 2 resurrected husbands and would be sinner.


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01 Nov 2012, 11:51 am

mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
I dare anyone to force me to have a baby.



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01 Nov 2012, 12:44 pm

Nobody can really force anyone to have a baby. All the politicians can do is to make abortions illegal. If that happens it will definitely slow things down but illegal abortions will be available. Putting Doctors in jail will slow things down but not solve the problem because you do not have to be a Doctor to perform a safe abortion. It is not like a heart transplant. People will figure out a way to regulate the practice of illegal abortions.

To really make an impact on abortion you have to change the hearts and minds of the people. And you have to do this when they are young. Conservatives think building more prisons is the answer to all of our problems.


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01 Nov 2012, 12:57 pm

androbot2084 wrote:
According to conservative ideology a poor widow who got remarried could not go to heaven because in heaven she would have 2 resurrected husbands and would be sinner.

From Matthew 22 in the Bible. (Feels so weird defending religious conservatives..)

The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him, saying: “Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. Now there were with us seven brothers. The first died after he had married, and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother. Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh. Last of all the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”

Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.”

For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven. But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” And when the multitudes heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.

Learn what you're bashing before you bash it. Instead of spewing ignorance. I'm not even religious but it disgusts me when people talk s**t about what they don't know.

In the end, all you can hope for is the love you felt to equal the pain you've gone through.


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01 Nov 2012, 1:32 pm

blunnet wrote:
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
I dare anyone to force me to have a baby.


Oh, this is going to be an ugly fight.


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01 Nov 2012, 4:45 pm

A religious conservative will never accept any resurrection doctrine that destroys the institution of marriage.


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01 Nov 2012, 5:16 pm

blunnet wrote:
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
I dare anyone to force me to have a baby.


Not sure of the context of what mechanicalgirl is referring to. If she's referring to people trying to force her to get pregnent (rape), then quite I hope she neuters her attacker or attackers. If she ends up getting pregnent due to rape, yes I think she should have the kid, and give said kid up for adoption if she chooses. That said, if I was on a jury where she had killed said rapist, then I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't convict her, I'd call it justice.

Reason I'm against abortion is because I believe life begins at conception, and I don't believe taking an innocent life sets things right, to the contrary I look at it as a woman was raped which is an evil act, and then to compound the issue an innocent child was murdered, which is another evil act.

@ androbot2084

If you look at marriage vows, it's till death do them part... Conservatives generally don't consider it sinful for a widow to remarry (provided said widow didn't murder their previous spouse).


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01 Nov 2012, 5:28 pm

Look at it this way. When a woman becomes a Christian she marries Jesus. If she gets married to someone else here on earth she is an adulterer and will go to hell according to conservative logic.


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01 Nov 2012, 5:44 pm

androbot2084 wrote:
Look at it this way. When a woman becomes a Christian she marries Jesus. If she gets married to someone else here on earth she is an adulterer and will go to hell according to conservative logic.
Your absolutely right! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :wtg:

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01 Nov 2012, 6:36 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
blunnet wrote:
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
I dare anyone to force me to have a baby.


Not sure of the context of what mechanicalgirl is referring to. If she's referring to people trying to force her to get pregnent (rape), then quite I hope she neuters her attacker or attackers. If she ends up getting pregnent due to rape, yes I think she should have the kid, and give said kid up for adoption if she chooses. That said, if I was on a jury where she had killed said rapist, then I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't convict her, I'd call it justice.

Reason I'm against abortion is because I believe life begins at conception, and I don't believe taking an innocent life sets things right, to the contrary I look at it as a woman was raped which is an evil act, and then to compound the issue an innocent child was murdered, which is another evil act.

For what it's worth, I agree with you. However, I feel I should point out that life actually begins BEFORE conception. By that reasoning, what with sperm and ova being living cells and all, hormonal birth control and condoms should be illegal. I think for the purpose of the law, a zygote should be defined as a PERSON once it has attached to the womb. Laws effectively eliminating abortion have all failed for the lack of that kind of specificity.

My wife and I have an ongoing disagreement on this issue. She thinks abortion is wrong under all circumstances. I would agree that abortion is infanticide (because I believe that personhood begins at conception). But where we disagree is where the fault lies for the murder of the baby. Is it the rape victim who elects to have an abortion? Is it the abortionist performing the procedure? Both in collusion? Or is it the rapist who caused the child to be conceived against the mother's will? I say the blame lies with the rapist. If a woman elects to have an abortion, then the rapist is responsible and should face the same judicial proceedings as a murderer. By no means ought we to "blame the victim" when this kind of thing happens.


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01 Nov 2012, 6:49 pm

AngelRho wrote:
If a woman elects to have an abortion, then the rapist is responsible and should face the same judicial proceedings as a murderer.

So you'd rather that a rapist murdered his victim when he'd finished then? Or made sure to use protection in his assault?


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01 Nov 2012, 9:51 pm

JakobVirgil wrote:
Raptor wrote:
I'm for retroactive abortions for some people.
Does that count?

I don't think women should be tried for the murder of their children regardless of the age of the child (including adult children).
they brought you into the world they should have the right to take you out of it.

:twisted: Let's also keep the environment in mind when performing retroactive/post-birth abortions by using the meat off of the carcass to feed the hungry or send it to a wildlife rehabilitation facility to feed their endangered critters. The remainder can be used as fertilizer, bonemeal for livestock feed or for jewelry or clothing accessories (I want a man-skirt made of femurs). The brains can be used to tan the human's hide and its teeth can be used to make dentures or bridges (for those only missing a few teeth). A rather Swiftian "Proposal..."

Personally, it doesn't matter where I stand (If I do have a stance) on the topic of abortion, since I am but a man and a man does not actually bear the child, so my opinion would be invalid either way.

01 Nov 2012, 10:08 pm

Tequila wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
If a woman elects to have an abortion, then the rapist is responsible and should face the same judicial proceedings as a murderer.

So you'd rather that a rapist murder his victim when he'd finished then? Or made sure to use protection in his assault?

I vote for the latter. However, this might encourage the former. I say that a rape victim who gets knocked up really should get an abortion. Even if you believe in a soul, then surely the soul destined for the now aborted fetus will find another body.