AspieRogue wrote:
Tequila wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
If a woman elects to have an abortion, then the rapist is responsible and should face the same judicial proceedings as a murderer.
So you'd rather that a rapist murder his victim when he'd finished then? Or made sure to use protection in his assault?
I vote for the latter. However, this might encourage the former. I say that a rape victim who gets knocked up really should get an abortion. Even if you believe in a soul, then surely the soul destined for the now aborted fetus will find another body.
The question strongly resembles a straw man, so I'm afraid that isn't something I can answer either way. Neither question really has anything to do with what I said, and I certainly didn't suggest either. It's that kind of rhetoric that discourages rational discussion on this topic.
I have a better solution, however. How about men just not rape anyone? If a guy doesn't rape a girl or woman, he doesn't have to worry about his victim feeling violated (which he probably doesn't worry about anyway), he doesn't break any laws, doesn't have to worry about hiding from the law if he gets reported, doesn't have to worry about using a condom or killing anyone (the victim or a possible child).
There is an alternative, though I don't seriously think it's right or that people would actually agree to it, and that is just simple decriminalize rape. My reasoning for this is that western society is already sexually permissive--NFD's permit married couples to cheat on each other and give themselves an easy way out by settling, getting exactly what they want out of a divorce, and the subject of adultery doesn't HAVE to come up unless the cheater decides to be difficult. Former laws concerning acceptable sexual relations have either been reversed or simply ignored and remain unenforced. So why do we even still have behaviors like pedophilia, statutory rape, and other sex crimes? If it's ok in western society to just have sex with whoever you want, then there really is no such thing as a "sex crime." At worst, something like date rape is more an annoyance than it is psychologically scarring, and it could be that our outrage at sexual violation at any age or stage of development is merely the product of conditioning. The way rape should be handled would not be like a sex crime, but as misdemeanor assault or as felony assault depending on the severity of the crime (causing physical trauma as opposed to, say, seduction). I think it is wise to begin hormonal bc as early as is appropriate barring medical risks as a preventative measure just to be prepared for a worst-case scenario.
If, of course, rape should NOT be decriminalized, I'm curious as to why that should be.