LoveNotHate wrote:
Trump won historically working-class Democrat states.
He says things that connect with poor and middle class people.
You are correct.
Unfortunately, Trump does not back up his populist rhetoric with populist policy-making.
Trump is like a typical right-wing "populist". I put the word "populist" in sacre quotes because all of the true populism is on the left. "Right-wing populism" is something that the corporate overlords create when they are getting desperate. When people start getting angry at the rich and powerful, the corporations desperately try to redirect that anger towards someone else.
The corporate-owned Democrats have no response, other than to attack him.
You are, once again, correct.
Sanders wasn't a corporate "Democrat". He was a true Democrat. He offered real solutions.
The white working class has stopped caring about concepts like "racism" and "xenophobia". This is because they are tired of the "White males can blame nobody but themselves." rhetoric that is pushed by corporate "liberals".
The Democrats could have beaten Trump by calling him a greedy rich jackass who openly supports the military oil machine ... but they would have lost their corporate sponsors if they had done that.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.