pandabear wrote:
Or, outdoors in the open air.
A town councillor in the UK is trying to ban smoking in the open air. How do you feel about that?
Town councillor Paul Bartlett wanted to ban any smoking in public in the town limits of Stony Stratford. He claimed that the reason for it was about cigarette butts and that it cost "millions" of pounds to clean up cigarette butts. When that reasoning was rubbished he used the "health" canard. He was photographed for a major newspaper with a load of cigarette butts in his hand. The photograph was taken in a completely different town ten miles away!
An esteemed UK libertarian blogger sent out an idea of meeting in Stony Stratford to protest and nearly 200 people - bloggers, commenters, smokers and non-smokers alike - to an extremely warm reception from the town's residents and the pub where the meeting was held was packed. Conservative MEP Roger Helmer and the UK Independence Party (my party - and in terms of votes was the fourth largest party in the UK at the last general election) leader Nigel Farage spoke movingly at this meeting.
Almost without exception in the town of Stony Stratford he had made himself tremendously unpopular, and a few days after this mass meeting the council had the vote on whether to ban it. Bartlett cowardly withdrew his motion for a public smoking ban, citing his 'worry' over his opponents being unprepared.
Two of the three anti-smoking motions were put before the town and were defeated by 148-2, and one of the two was the councillor himself. The very heated council meeting concluded with residents being seen angrily arguing with the councillor as they left.
So, the only time when a smoking ban has directly been put before anything like real people, it was voted against by a margin of 98.66%.
The problem isn't societal; it's political, as the above shows.
How much money was the tobacco industry contributing to this cause? Very often, when we've tried to do something about smoking in the USA, through ballot measures, tobacco companies have been spending fortunes on advertising to brainwash people into voting against the effort.