miku wrote:
there's anti-gay stuff in the new testament, too....i think paul to the romans is where you'll find it.
It shows up in two different places, actually, but both instances are among the Epistles. On the chance that you are not conversant in Christianity, this part of the New Testament is actually a collection of letters written to various entities by individuals who played a role in the formation of the early Church. Some people adhere to the belief that these writers were operating under the direction of God, but this belief is stupid. In fact, the individuals who authored these writings often had disagreements, and Paul, himself, was known for being a bit of a radical. This is acknowledged by most educated students of Christian history and theology. You can tell a pastor of any church that has a moderately respectable sense of standards, "Paul did not have that authority," and he'll respond with something like "Okay, so you're not a fan of Paul" or try to argue that, though he didn't have the authority to make the laws, he had scholarly authority on them. He is often depicted poring over various books, taking notes.
Anyway, there is a heated dispute over whether or not Paul said anything about homosexuality at all in the NT. There are several alternative translations that actually make better sense in the context. Also, Paul, himself, was known for rejecting the authority of mosaic law over the Gentiles, and he would only accept it in cases in which it did not offend their liberty.
Even if he did condemn homosexuality, however, he did not claim to have the authority to write the laws. He was giving his own assessment of what those laws actually were and what they were intended for. The New Testament isn't consistent or perfect, and it wasn't intended to be. The writers of this book knew they were only men, and those who compiled it were aware that they didn't always agree. Reading it, you can see how their views, beliefs, and character evolved and matured over time. A Christian who does not realize this just isn't a very good Christian.