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Which GOP hopeful do you think will be hardest to defeat in the 2016 elections?
Donald Trump 23%  23%  [ 19 ]
Scott Walker 8%  8%  [ 7 ]
Rand Paul 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Lindsey Graham 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Chris Christie 7%  7%  [ 6 ]
Rick Perry 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Mike Huckabee 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
George Pataki 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Marco Rubio 14%  14%  [ 12 ]
Someone Else Entirely 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 84


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29 Dec 2015, 7:57 pm

Pataki has dropped out, his 100 remaining supporters will likely be voting democrat due to how liberal he is and because all the "because he's from my state" supporters of him left for Trump.


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29 Dec 2015, 11:27 pm

If it weren't for the fact he died over 30 years ago, I'd say John Heinz III. If it weren't for the fact Bush threw him under the bus, I'd say Gen. Colin Powell.

Snowy Owl
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30 Dec 2015, 1:38 am

Jacoby wrote:
Trump isn't about policy, he's a manifestation of how much this country hates their elected officials. The base of the GOP despises the establishment of the Republican party almost as much they dislike Obama, the left wing is dissatisfied too as evidence by the growing Bernie Sanders insurgency and Hillary's plummeting poll numbers. People are angry and don't feel they have a voice, they're tired of empty suit weaklings that get led around by the nose by partisan politics, the media, and the powerful special interests. They want somebody that says what they believe and is willing the fight for it, they want somebody to tear down the Beltway establishment. Trump doesn't show them any respect and that's exactly what people like, he treats them the way the people think they deserve to be treated. They want somebody willing to speak truth to power, not be mucked down by any imaginary third rails as Trump has done this with immigration and Sanders is doing it by running openly as a socialist. They're not refining or diluting their message to appeal the greater masses, its just red meat all the time.

There are no candidates that represent me, Rand disappoints me to no end but I'll probably still vote for him if he's still in the race by the that time. I could just vote Libertarian again but that's just throwing your vote away, Gary Johnson will probably run again and I like him. I wish he ran as Republican in 2016 instead of 2012, he'd be a refreshing change of pace but he doesn't pass the GOP litmus test on a few issues and isn't enough of firebrand personally to gain the attention needed. I am not happy with where Rand is leading the Liberty movement, his pandering has diluted the message and ruined his appeal with moderates and independents after he had worked so hard at courting them. Gary Johnson should of been considered a credible candidate, a two term Republican governor of blue minority majority state but he was ignored.

I'm just sitting back and enjoying the spectacle of it, better to laugh than to cry. Trump may be riding a pale horse but maybe it's time anyway.

I agree with most of the key points here. I like to call the election "the puppet show" and try to make fun of everything that's going on. I like to tell jokes about the various candidates and muse about what might happen if I could get Trump and Sanders to sit down together for some whiskey, but sometimes it's hard not to feel sad for the fate that's in store for this country. I don't plan on voting for anybody this time, but Adam Kokesh announced that he's running in 2020 and even though I don't think he has any chance of getting elected, but I think I'll still vote for him.


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02 Feb 2016, 3:50 am

Huckabee drops out, his 2.2% of supporters will mostly go to Trump.


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02 Feb 2016, 4:08 pm

AntDog wrote:
Huckabee drops out, his 2.2% of supporters will mostly go to Trump.

Why not to Cruz, who is collecting fundies?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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02 Feb 2016, 4:33 pm

Because Huckabee has a bromance with Trump, the former often giving praise to the latter and he attended Trumps vet event. Unless Huckabee endorses Cruz many of his supporters will go to Trump.


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02 Feb 2016, 5:41 pm

Trump is more popular with Evangelicals than people assume, Cruz draws support from a number of factions not just socons too.

It will be interesting to see how this race winnows and who's supporters go where, there really doesn't seem to be a lot of room for growth for the establishment. Rubio got 23% the next closest establishment candidate was Jeb Bush at like 3%, it would be very foolish of them to start celebrating now with a closer than expect 3rd place finish. I'm not sure the other establishment candidates are ready to drop out either, they've all been making their own plays in different places. Christie and Kasich are much more heavily invested in New Hampshire than Rubio, now Rubio might overtake them with the momentum from Iowa or maybe not and they just split the vote.

The question is what happens with Cruz, is Cruz now seen as a legitimate candidate or will he follow the tradition of previous Iowa winners? It's hard to say, I do think this caucus probably played against Trump most more than a straight primary would, a caucus is a whole ordeal that I wouldn't want to deal with either.

South Carolina is going to be a real indicator of how this race is going to play out, Cruz needs to preform there as well as all the establishment candidates but Trump has been running strong in the south. Jeb Bush has a lot invested in South Carolina I think, if he's still in it then this might be an opening for him if Rubio hasn't stolen all the support he could get.

Trump not winning in Iowa basically extends this race, there is a battle at hand not a blowout.


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02 Feb 2016, 10:19 pm

Trump is HUGE in my area with the mega churches, and Michigan isn't exactly known for Bible Thumping Republicans.

I know Trump lost Iowa, but Cruz is such a freak show, no one I know would vote for him. The Trump supporters don't like Rubio either, though the Republicans are really shoving him their throats.

This whole slate is a heap of gross. Cruz is a wing nut, and Rubio isn't quite soup year. Trump makes the blur interesting, and Jeb can pack up his s**t and go home.

I don't think this Iowa win will be much of anything in the long run for Cruz.


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03 Feb 2016, 2:29 pm

Santorum and Paul have dropped out, the herd is REALLY thinning!
Santorum's small support will likely go to Trump because he's very similar to Huckabee and Trump won Santorum 2012 areas in Iowa.
I have no clue where the Paulites will go. A few may go for Trump because he's more of a leave it to the states on some issues like education.

Cruz has proven to be a typical politician telling that Carson dropped out and sending people VOTER VIOLATION letters.


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10 Feb 2016, 3:06 pm

Chris Christie with a fat announcement, he's dropping out!! ! So is Failurina!! !
Their supporters will go to Jeb, Rubio, and maybe Trump and Carson.

Last edited by AntDog on 10 Feb 2016, 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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10 Feb 2016, 3:35 pm

Carly Furi--- Furi-- that witch, who fired all those people from HP, has dropped, too!
A failure in both business and politics. I guess karma is real. :twisted:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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12 Feb 2016, 10:14 pm

Gilmore has dropped out after failing to get anyone to support him.


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16 Feb 2016, 11:55 pm

gawd that cruz ooze disgusts me to the point of vomiting.


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17 Feb 2016, 2:29 am

auntblabby wrote:
gawd that cruz ooze disgusts me to the point of vomiting.

Be sure to pull back your hair. Cruz isn't work getting your hair all pukey. :lol:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Feb 2016, 2:31 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
gawd that cruz ooze disgusts me to the point of vomiting.

Be sure to pull back your hair. Cruz isn't work getting your hair all pukey. :lol:

99% of the time it is pulled back in a ponytail. :afro:


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17 Feb 2016, 2:33 am

auntblabby wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
gawd that cruz ooze disgusts me to the point of vomiting.

Be sure to pull back your hair. Cruz isn't work getting your hair all pukey. :lol:

99% of the time it is pulled back in a ponytail. :afro:


-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer