Why aren't atheists agnostic?
Xenon wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
The other side of the coin:
Since, as a Bible-believing Christian, I dismiss the low-grade hypothesis of creator-less macro-evolution, "Because evolutionists say so" is simply not good enough to convince me of anything other than what the evolutionists say.
Since, as a Bible-believing Christian, I dismiss the low-grade hypothesis of creator-less macro-evolution, "Because evolutionists say so" is simply not good enough to convince me of anything other than what the evolutionists say.
Except I would never use an appeal to authority as the basis of my viewpoint.
he's implying evoking the path of evolution is simply an appeal to authority rather than all the research and effort that goes into it. as opposed to the bible that is at most selective archeology and has no relevance on today.
Arbie wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
So, not knowing anything for sure makes you comfortable, whereas knowing things would make you uncomfortable. I'm the opposite. Knowledge is my friend.
That's cool, I don't have anything to add or subtract to that as you are expressing your viewpoint.

Ragtime wrote:
Well, I should mention that I recently listened to that Weird Al song "Everything You Know is Wrong"; the illogic I mentioned is: If you believe that, possibly, every single thing you've ever experienced, and thus believed, is dead wrong -- that thought, taken together with ALL its implications, would make most people freak out. Particularly when your life is finite, so you have no reason to believe you'll ever know anything for sure, or even close. You asked, if a deity appeared before you, and showed itself to be real, how would you know that space aliens weren't tricking you. Well, how do you know you're not being tricked by space aliens 24/7 since the day you were born, and always will be till the day you die? How do you know? (I'm seriously asking: What proved that to you?) On what basis do you reason that that's even probably not the case? Why, scientifically, is it even somewhat unlikely that everything you experience is a mirage, and that the truth is something you'll never know? (Of course, you can't assume you'll know after you die, either.)
I'll get to the rest of your point but I'll answer the questions you asked first. What has proven that space aliens aren't tricking me everyday? Do I even need it to be proven that they aren't, or does it even matter if they are? No.
We can get into the remote probabilities of me even seeing a lifeform that exists on another planet if they even exist at all let alone having my life influenced by one, but I think that is beside the point.
Ah! But why is that probability so remote? (Use nothing sensory-related in your answer, since you've already negated the validity of such.)
Arbie wrote:
Your second question gets to I think the heart of the matter. Why isn't everything a mirage? Well even if I felt qualified to prove scientificaly that it isn't, I wouldn't have the resources to do so here. This question also gets down to the matter of whether what we percieve even happens as we percieve it. This is an issue that I did not make up, much greater minds than mine have been debating this for a long time. A while back I seem to recall that brain experts were debating whether or not conciousness was real, or an illusion.
Well again I never stated that my senses were untrustworthy, only in an event that was beyond my capabilities of understanding...
Ragtime wrote:
Since your senses are untrustworthy, anything can be true, and you wouldn't have the slightest clue. There's a difference between standard, limited ignorance, which can be both comfortable and harmless, and infinite ignorance, which is not knowing even one tiny thing for sure, which is what you seem to be ascribing to yourself by your definitions. Since you can't be sure that you can trust your senses regarding fact "A" yet not fact "B", and since you also seem to see paradoxes everywhere in trying to reason anything at all regarding god, death, and eternity, what then comprises your sanity?
Well again I never stated that my senses were untrustworthy, only in an event that was beyond my capabilities of understanding...
But how is that determined?
Arbie wrote:
Who says that certainty and sanity have to be interelated?
Reasonable certainty about basic facts is inter-related with the functioning of a sane mind, yes. Probably everyone in the world says that, including court systems, governments, and the professional psychological community, etc.
Arbie, you've made my question 10 times more complicated than it is, and worlds more circuitous with untoward pontifications off in strange directions. My salient question was how you can have no (sensory) idea what the heck is going on around you, and be okay with that. Sensory deprivation studies show that long-term deprivation of intelligibale sensory data has many results, none of them continued sanity.
I glean from your reply that you have some secret way of knowing when your senses are working and when they're not, which method itself is completely trustworthy. (That's a low likelihood, and so is any way to know its validity.)
Anyway, let's end this unsatisfactory communication.
greenblue wrote:
Sopho wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
There's a woman in Israel who legally married a dolphin.
Sopho: Is that a good idea, do you think? Is it okay with you?
Sopho: Is that a good idea, do you think? Is it okay with you?
No, because a dolphin cannot consent. Don't compare me wanting to marry a human with someone wanting to marry a dolphin.
This is what ignorance comes once again from religion.
The thought of homosexuality being inmoral, is the same as having sex with animals.
Perversion is perversion

Jumping! You're jumping!

Yer funny!
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
greenblue wrote:
Sopho wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
There's a woman in Israel who legally married a dolphin.
Sopho: Is that a good idea, do you think? Is it okay with you?
Sopho: Is that a good idea, do you think? Is it okay with you?
No, because a dolphin cannot consent. Don't compare me wanting to marry a human with someone wanting to marry a dolphin.
This is what ignorance comes once again from religion.
The thought of homosexuality being inmoral, is the same as having sex with animals.
Perversion is perversion

Who said anything about perversion? I believe it was you, just now. What kind of marriage do you find perverse, greenblue? And please tell us all why. Is a human-dolphin marriage perverse? (That was my question, by the way.) Everyone can chime in on this, too.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Ragtime wrote:
Who said anything about perversion? I believe it was you, just now. What kind of marriage do you find perverse, greenblue? And please tell us all why. Is a human-dolphin marriage perverse? (That was my question, by the way.) Everyone can chime in on this, too.
The biggest problem I foresee with human-dolphin marriages is what religion the children get raised in. Then again, this often a problem with mixed marriages.
"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips
Xenon wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Who said anything about perversion? I believe it was you, just now. What kind of marriage do you find perverse, greenblue? And please tell us all why. Is a human-dolphin marriage perverse? (That was my question, by the way.) Everyone can chime in on this, too.
The biggest problem I foresee with human-dolphin marriages is what religion the children get raised in. Then again, this often a problem with mixed marriages.
It's okay, you don't have to answer seriously. It's a hard question.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Ragtime wrote:
Xenon wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Who said anything about perversion? I believe it was you, just now. What kind of marriage do you find perverse, greenblue? And please tell us all why. Is a human-dolphin marriage perverse? (That was my question, by the way.) Everyone can chime in on this, too.
The biggest problem I foresee with human-dolphin marriages is what religion the children get raised in. Then again, this often a problem with mixed marriages.
It's okay, you don't have to answer seriously. It's a hard question.
It's not a hard question. It's a stupid question. It doesn't deserve a serious answer.
"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips
Sopho wrote:
The only thing wrong with a human-dolphin marriage is that a dolphin cannot legally consent. I can.
I just re-researched it. She's actually a British woman who "married" this dolphin in Israel, and although it wasn't legally sanctioned (my mistake for thinking it was), she's obviously totally serious about it:
Here's a link:
And here's an excerpt:
"It's not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He's the love of my life," she said Saturday, upon her return to London.
So, does the difference, to you, really fall between "legal consent" and de facto consent? Sounds rather arbitrary -- lots of things are against the law in certain countries which shouldn't be. What if the law in some country actually interprets an animal's reaction as a consent? What would you say then?
My point is, right behind the gays waiting to be married are groups such as the Man-Boy Love Society, which also wants to legalize marriage for themselves. Are you going to call them perverts? If you're not, then, right behind them are people who have, um, pets, and want to legalize marriage to them. Are you going to call them perverts? If not, then right behind them... Do you see where this is going?
So, I'm saying it would be rather hypocritical of you to claim you should have the right to marry another woman while saying the Man-Boy Love Society should not have that right. Same for the animal "love"rs. You're asking to be treated better than those people, if you don't also say they have every right to be legally granted a marriage license with full benefits.
(Okay, I'm going to go throw up now...

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Ragtime wrote:
So, does the difference, to you, really fall between "legal consent" and de facto consent? Sounds rather arbitrary -- lots of things are against the law in certain countries which shouldn't be. What if the law in some country actually interprets an animal's reaction as a consent? What would you say then?
My point is, right behind the gays waiting to be married are groups such as the Man-Boy Love Society, which also wants to legalize marriage for themselves. Are you going to call them perverts? If you're not, then, right behind them are people who have, um, pets, and want to legalize marriage to them. Are you going to call them perverts? If not, then right behind them... Do you see where this is going?
So, I'm saying it would be rather hypocritical of you to claim you should have the right to marry another woman while saying the Man-Boy Love Society should not have that right. Same for the animal "love"rs. You're asking to be treated better than those people, if you don't also say they have every right to be legally granted a marriage license with full benefits.
(Okay, I'm going to go throw up now...
My point is, right behind the gays waiting to be married are groups such as the Man-Boy Love Society, which also wants to legalize marriage for themselves. Are you going to call them perverts? If you're not, then, right behind them are people who have, um, pets, and want to legalize marriage to them. Are you going to call them perverts? If not, then right behind them... Do you see where this is going?
So, I'm saying it would be rather hypocritical of you to claim you should have the right to marry another woman while saying the Man-Boy Love Society should not have that right. Same for the animal "love"rs. You're asking to be treated better than those people, if you don't also say they have every right to be legally granted a marriage license with full benefits.
(Okay, I'm going to go throw up now...


and you thought I was the funny one
This is getting ridiculous actually!
Just a typical example of anti-gay propaganda, it had been used before
I think I got lucky that I got a little interested in paraphilias and I got in to the net looking for info about this.
This is your following presentaion: Pedophilia.
The Man-Boy Love Society is a controversial organization of men who are sexually attracted to young boys, who are below the age of consent, these movement want to change it, they want to legally lower the age of consent so they will be able to have sexual relationships with underage boys.
Ok, I see you are trying to make a point here, by using the controversial and disturbing idea of Man/Boy relationships in which they are not legal, with moral boundaries. Therefore all homosexual relationships must be wrong, are inmoral and, perhaps adult gay sex should be also illegal?
Here is the other side of the story, you forgot to mention there have been other organizations that had promoted Man/Girl relationships as well, there is this smaller organization called Girl Love Garden, similar to the other, they want to legally lower the age of consent of young girls so they can have sexual relationship with them. The only difference here is that we have a heterosexual relationship, yes disturbing, but still heterosexual.
Therefore all heterosexual relationships must be wrong, are inmoral and, perhaps adult straight sex should be also illegal?
These movements want to lower the Age of Consent. OK, the problem we see here is obvious very controversial and very disturbing because it involves adult/child sexual activities. Which is totaly different that any other type of sexual activities, and definitely is diferrent than adult/adult relationship.
You can't condemn adult/adult gay relationships just because you condemn adult/boy gay relationships.
As well you can't condemn adult/adult straight relationships just because you condemn adult/girl relationships.
See the point?
There is a very important thing, the magic keyword is: CONSENT
and the ability of both parties to be able to do so.
Adult relationships are OK, they are good and lovely as long there is always consent, as long both partners can legally consent, there is no problem whatsoever.
It is perfectly acceptable and people have their right to live their sexuality as they please only when all parties involved have the legal capability to consent to sexual activities. Which in case when minors are involved, that is not permissible.
That is crystal clear. There is no reason for confusion and going to the wrong conclusion of condemning homosexuality in general for this.

I have to point out that in the old biblical days, it was common that girls after hitting puberty were selected as wives to older men. Joseph, the famous father of Jesus was a lot older than his 13 year old wife Mary. It was pretty acceptable and common in that society, apparantly pedophilia was no problem for God either

Ok, I'm done, I got very tired writing all of this

greenblue wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
So, does the difference, to you, really fall between "legal consent" and de facto consent? Sounds rather arbitrary -- lots of things are against the law in certain countries which shouldn't be. What if the law in some country actually interprets an animal's reaction as a consent? What would you say then?
My point is, right behind the gays waiting to be married are groups such as the Man-Boy Love Society, which also wants to legalize marriage for themselves. Are you going to call them perverts? If you're not, then, right behind them are people who have, um, pets, and want to legalize marriage to them. Are you going to call them perverts? If not, then right behind them... Do you see where this is going?
So, I'm saying it would be rather hypocritical of you to claim you should have the right to marry another woman while saying the Man-Boy Love Society should not have that right. Same for the animal "love"rs. You're asking to be treated better than those people, if you don't also say they have every right to be legally granted a marriage license with full benefits.
(Okay, I'm going to go throw up now...
My point is, right behind the gays waiting to be married are groups such as the Man-Boy Love Society, which also wants to legalize marriage for themselves. Are you going to call them perverts? If you're not, then, right behind them are people who have, um, pets, and want to legalize marriage to them. Are you going to call them perverts? If not, then right behind them... Do you see where this is going?
So, I'm saying it would be rather hypocritical of you to claim you should have the right to marry another woman while saying the Man-Boy Love Society should not have that right. Same for the animal "love"rs. You're asking to be treated better than those people, if you don't also say they have every right to be legally granted a marriage license with full benefits.
(Okay, I'm going to go throw up now...


and you thought I was the funny one
This is getting ridiculous actually!
Just a typical example of anti-gay propaganda, it had been used before
I think I got lucky that I got a little interested in paraphilias and I got in to the net looking for info about this.
This is your following presentaion: Pedophilia.
The Man-Boy Love Society is a controversial organization of men who are sexually attracted to young boys, who are below the age of consent, these movement want to change it, they want to legally lower the age of consent so they will be able to have sexual relationships with underage boys.
Ok, I see you are trying to make a point here, by using the controversial and disturbing idea of Man/Boy relationships in which they are not legal, with moral boundaries. Therefore all homosexual relationships must be wrong, are inmoral and, perhaps adult gay sex should be also illegal?
Well, it used to be, not long ago, and perhaps in some states it's still on the books. (I think it is in my state.)
And no, I hadn't heard of the "Man/Girl" thing, or any of those other strange groups you mentioned, but yes, the Man/Girl thing would be just as accurate an example to make my point as the Man/Boy thing -- hetero or homo is not the issue, the issue is how far out there are we eventually going to go, if we keep going in the direction we're going? Where does the lasciviousness end? Your answer to the latter question seems to be "Bring it on!" (which, incidentally, would be another evasion of my questions).
And, about the rest of what you said, I've had enough of you pretending I'm making different points than I crystal-clearly am, just making us go around in a circle one more time... And yes, this discussion has gotten just about as ridiculous as it can, or should. It's still logical, but hardly palletable. But, finally, it touched a nerve with a few of the people on here. And that was the goal.
I truly regret participating in it this far.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
TheResistance wrote:
"It's not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He's the love of my life," she said Saturday, upon her return to London. That is utterly disgusting! Yes it is a very! perverted thing. How morally demented can one get.
I agree, completely. But none of the other members in this discussion seem to, at least not openly. The discussion is simply not being taken seriously, and hasn't been for several pages, and I do feel further pursuit would be a waste.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.
Ragtime wrote:
Sopho wrote:
The only thing wrong with a human-dolphin marriage is that a dolphin cannot legally consent. I can.
I just re-researched it. She's actually a British woman who "married" this dolphin in Israel, and although it wasn't legally sanctioned (my mistake for thinking it was), she's obviously totally serious about it:
Here's a link:
And here's an excerpt:
"It's not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He's the love of my life," she said Saturday, upon her return to London.
So, does the difference, to you, really fall between "legal consent" and de facto consent? Sounds rather arbitrary -- lots of things are against the law in certain countries which shouldn't be. What if the law in some country actually interprets an animal's reaction as a consent? What would you say then?
My point is, right behind the gays waiting to be married are groups such as the Man-Boy Love Society, which also wants to legalize marriage for themselves. Are you going to call them perverts? If you're not, then, right behind them are people who have, um, pets, and want to legalize marriage to them. Are you going to call them perverts? If not, then right behind them... Do you see where this is going?
So, I'm saying it would be rather hypocritical of you to claim you should have the right to marry another woman while saying the Man-Boy Love Society should not have that right. Same for the animal "love"rs. You're asking to be treated better than those people, if you don't also say they have every right to be legally granted a marriage license with full benefits.
(Okay, I'm going to go throw up now...

"On Wednesday, she made it official, sort of. While she acknowledged the "wedding" had no legal bearing she did say it reflected her deep feelings toward the bottlenosed, 35-year-old object of her affection."
that's an important part you're neglecting.
Actually, I think that certain species, fine. (Because some can be taught words and demo. they know the meanings/priciples with use of sign language, blocks, etc.)
It might feel weird to me but then again, polygamy is a little weird to me. That doesn't give me the right to outlaw it.
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