There are self evident biological reasons why there are two sexes, each with different physiology, psychology and social focus.
This is not socially constructed. If you want a concrete example, look up the "John Joan" case (aka David Reimer).
Males minds typically have a preferrence for abstract thought, where as female minds typically have a focus on the social. For example, a young boy will typically come to with something in his hand and say, "Look at this!". Whereas a young girl will be more likely come to you in a new dress and say, "Look at me!"
This can leave males, sometimes, unable to articulate their feelings and oblivious to what is happening around them socially.
That being said, there is a strong cultural element which can shape or override biology.
Many transwomen (and I've know a few), for example, were children who have grown up in an overwhelming female environment without any positive male role model to bind to. As a result, they take onboard female forms of feeling, behavior and thinking. I would certainly agree that genetics play a role also.
This suggests that there is a great degree of flexibility and adaptability in how genetics express themselves and we are not simply hardwired and fixed. This I see as, ultimately, a positive thing.
I'm personally very comfortable with trans, but having "71" genders is madness! Who gets to decide that there are 71 genders, for example? Why not 53, or 105? It is this made up nonsence which is socially constructed and it has no basis in reality.
Since gender is a spectrum, there probably are more than 71 genders.
Gender is not the same thing as biological sex.