rumio wrote:
You know what I find really scary? when I hear BlairBush and their cronies regurgitating the line about how these people are 'evil' and 'hate freedom' and want to destroy 'our way of life', and how about its nothing to do with Iraq (Palestine, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kashmir...). That's what's scary - these are political acts, not religious and the longer the West tries to deny it the worse it will get. I read some early reports about what one of the guys they arrested was saying, (although who knows how accurate any of that is) but it was all about watching news footage of Iraq. People don't just sit around reading the Qu'ran and suddenly decide to go and set off bombs, they really don't. There's a reason and we need to wake up and do something about it.
Yes, we need to do something about it. We need to fight the terrorists and the regimes that sponsor them.
As for the rest of your post, I totally disagree. These terrorist acts that are being carried out by Islamofascists are acts of evil. It’s that simple. It’s a total fallacy to believe that just because people are prepared to commit acts of barbarism that they must have a legitimate grievance. And trying to appease these people will not stop them. It will only encourage them, because it will show them that terrorism works.
And saying that these terrorist acts are political and not religious doesn’t make sense, because for the Islamofascists there is no separation between religion and politics. They want the whole world to submit to Islam.
The Iraq war might have been used by these Islamists as a recruiting tool -- as a way of brainwashing fellow Muslims into believing there’s some sort of Judeo-Christian anti-Muslim conspiracy at work in the world today (never mind the fact that in recent years the West has come to the aid of Muslims in Kuwait, Bosnia, Kosovo and Somalia) – but what excuse do the Islamists have for all the terrorist acts they committed before the Iraq war?
What about 9/11? Please don’t mention Palestine. The Palestinian conflict is solely a result of the Arabs’ refusal to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. The Arabs were given over a million square miles of land after the break up of the Ottoman Empire, and they refuse to acknowledge the right (enshrined in international law) to exist of one tiny Jewish state among them, despite the fact that Jews had lived in the area continuously for thousands of years.
The Palestinians were offered a state in 1937, 1948, 1967 and 2000, and each time they said no, because it would have meant agreeing to a peace with Israel. The Palestinians have been defeated in wars of aggression they've started against Israel in 1948 and 1967, not to mention their siding with the Nazis in World War 2, and they
still expect to be treated as equals around the negotiating table.
So what about Bali (both times)? Or what about the recent foiled terrorist plot to attack the Paris Metro? (That’s Paris, France – a country that opposed the Iraq war. Note that Islamists also attacked the Paris Metro in 1995.)
As Hussein Massawi, the Hezbollah leader behind the Beirut bombings 20 years ago, said: “We are not fighting so that you will offer us something. We are fighting to eliminate you.” This is the Islamofascist mindset.
At least the IRA and ETA actually each have realistic demands, namely independence for the Irish and the Basques (not that I think they should be met - not as a reward for terrorism). The Islamofascists won’t stop till the whole world under Islamic rule and they are free to persecute Jews, Christians, homosexuals and other infidels (if there are any non-Muslims still alive that is).
And people can bang on about the nasty old Crusades 900 odd years ago and all the evils committed in the name of Christianity (all undeniable), but the truth is that in the modern world Islamic terrorism has no equal. It would be helpful if more moderate Muslims could accept this rather than contributing to the mass Muslim persecution complex. Instead we get some moderate Muslims saying that Islamist terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and others saying the West is somehow partly to blame for it all. Both are untrue.
By the way, the Tibetans have been persecuted by the Chinese for decades, but where are all the Buddhist terrorists?
Last edited by Klytus on 09 Oct 2005, 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.