Ron Paul 08
No he doesn't. Cite your source if you want to claim Paul is a white supremacist. You can go to his website and read some of his writing criticizing groupthink and the tendency to categorize people by race, sexual orientation, etc. He opposes such distinctions, and wants everyone to be equal as an individual, not tied down to some group identity.
Also, Paul is by far the most principled candidate. In his clinical practice as a doctor, he would treat patients for FREE rather than accept money from Medicare. That is an honest man. How many in Congress want to slash their own paycheck?
To paraphrase something said in a local newspaper (NY Post?): Suppose it's all true; suppose his his campaign lunches look like the Mos Eisley cantina and his campaign contributors all have hooves instead of feet.
I'm still less scared of him than I am of Huckabee.
* here for the nachos.

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No he doesn't. Cite your source if you want to claim Paul is a white supremacist. You can go to his website and read some of his writing criticizing groupthink and the tendency to categorize people by race, sexual orientation, etc. He opposes such distinctions, and wants everyone to be equal as an individual, not tied down to some group identity.
Also, Paul is by far the most principled candidate. In his clinical practice as a doctor, he would treat patients for FREE rather than accept money from Medicare. That is an honest man. How many in Congress want to slash their own paycheck?
Thing is, how many other doctors would do that?
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!
No he doesn't. Cite your source if you want to claim Paul is a white supremacist. You can go to his website and read some of his writing criticizing groupthink and the tendency to categorize people by race, sexual orientation, etc. He opposes such distinctions, and wants everyone to be equal as an individual, not tied down to some group identity.
Also, Paul is by far the most principled candidate. In his clinical practice as a doctor, he would treat patients for FREE rather than accept money from Medicare. That is an honest man. How many in Congress want to slash their own paycheck?
Link 1
Link 2
Or, go to the blog Orcinus, which covers extremism in America, and search for Ron Paul.
Actually, your first 2 links only claim that Ron gets support from these groups, but will deny that he is a White nationalist. The blog actually has some information that could seemingly condemn him, however, the author is clearly a left-winger who doesn't have ideas on all of Ron Paul's ideological leanings and where they come from and after looking through like 5-10 articles attempting to condemn him I only found two that could really condemn him with most of the condemnation being from the fact that Ron Paul holds similar positions for his own reasons(A belief in Austrian economic theory).
Actually, your first 2 links only claim that Ron gets support from these groups, but will deny that he is a White nationalist. The blog actually has some information that could seemingly condemn him, however, the author is clearly a left-winger who doesn't have ideas on all of Ron Paul's ideological leanings and where they come from and after looking through like 5-10 articles attempting to condemn him I only found two that could really condemn him with most of the condemnation being from the fact that Ron Paul holds similar positions for his own reasons(A belief in Austrian economic theory).
Dude, I'm not saying he is a white supremacist. I'm saying that he has accepted money from them.
Dude, I'm not saying he is a white supremacist. I'm saying that he has accepted money from them.
I think most people recognized that to be factual as both Kitsy and snake accepted it, the real question is whether he is a puppet for them or not. I think that "ties" will often imply something stronger than just accepting money though as accepting money is only important if it has an impact on future behavior.
What's wrong with that? I bet Obama gets funds from black-power groups such as the NAACP and the Black Panthers. I checked sites of white groups like Stormfront and it seems they just want equality, an end to the racist preferential treatments of non-whites supported by NAACP and other racists. How come blacks and Hispanic can be proud of their race but when a white person is proud of their race they're labeled a racist? I don't think Ron Paul supports these groups. I'm just saying it shouldn't make a difference if he does.
Well, as for racist groups, I agree some ethnic black/brown "pride" groups go way overboard and turn pride into hate, but so do the white nationalist groups. Point being, 2 wrongs does not make a right.
As for RP, so what if he accepts funds from a white nationalist group, it doesn't mean that he supports their cause. Rather I agree with racists or not (which I don't), they have a right to voice their opinions no matter how ignorant they are. RP respects freedom, he doesn't respect racism and he isn't out to fuel racist agendas, but he respects everyone's right to have their own opinion.

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Paul Party: Loud Band, Quiet Room
January 03, 2008 9:28 PM
ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf reports: Results are not final, but with news organizations predicting Huckabee the winner, things are dismal and largely empty at the Ron Paul party at the Marriott in downtown Des Moines.
A local country band called Justice is playing loud music to an otherwise very quiet room.
A waste of the open bar if you were wondering where some of that $20 million is going.
Paul himself had scrambled to a large caucus site in Waterloo where both he and Huckabee were set to make final pleas to Republican caucus goers. He will be late to his own party as a result.
But the night is young and supporters hope he can gain some ground on Republicans John McCain and Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani, all clustered in the low double-digits with 41 percent reporting. The goal at this point is to finish closer to Huckabee. ... -loud.html
Wouldn't surprise me that ABC has nothing good to say. Ron Paul did beat Guiliani!
He's at fifth and Wolf at CNN actually said something nice about Ron Paul for once.
For the icing the media has done on Ron Paul for his independant ideas, he did a great job in Iowa. It's a shame that Fox news still is excluding him from the debate but Guiliani is still invited.
I don't like it when someone is silenced as blantantly as this. ABC is planning on doing the same.
Someone told me around May....Ron Paul, I bet you he won't even poll at 3%. I won a bet!
I'm watching CNN right now and there are supposed to be 5 names on the republican pie chart but one slice where Paul's name is supposed to be is missing still.
Are they hoping Guiliani will surpass Paul?
I am the DAN Monster. I have your child. You owe me twenty five thousand dollars.
xx Dan Monster
What's wrong with that? I bet Obama gets funds from black-power groups such as the NAACP and the Black Panthers. I checked sites of white groups like Stormfront and it seems they just want equality, an end to the racist preferential treatments of non-whites supported by NAACP and other racists. How come blacks and Hispanic can be proud of their race but when a white person is proud of their race they're labeled a racist? I don't think Ron Paul supports these groups. I'm just saying it shouldn't make a difference if he does.
The fact that a racist sent money to Ron Paul is not necessarily a reflection on the candidate. On the other hand, the Ron Paul Newsletter that the candidate used to send to subscribers contained explicitly racist statements:
"These aren't my figures," Paul said this week. "That is the assumption you can gather from" the report.
He also wrote: "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action."
Paul continued that politically sensible blacks are outnumbered "as decent people." ... pauls.html
No person who makes these type of statements should be elected president, IMO.
"What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" - Ron Paul, 1992
Oh, and you are also wrong about Stormfront. They don't simply want equality. They are a neo-Nazi organization that promotes the idea that the white race is superior to others.
Wikipedia article on Stormfront
What's wrong with that? I bet Obama gets funds from black-power groups such as the NAACP and the Black Panthers. I checked sites of white groups like Stormfront and it seems they just want equality, an end to the racist preferential treatments of non-whites supported by NAACP and other racists. How come blacks and Hispanic can be proud of their race but when a white person is proud of their race they're labeled a racist? I don't think Ron Paul supports these groups. I'm just saying it shouldn't make a difference if he does.
The fact that a racist sent money to Ron Paul is not necessarily a reflection on the candidate. On the other hand, the Ron Paul Newsletter that the candidate used to send to subscribers contained explicitly racist statements:
"These aren't my figures," Paul said this week. "That is the assumption you can gather from" the report.
He also wrote: "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action."
Paul continued that politically sensible blacks are outnumbered "as decent people." ... pauls.html
No person who makes these type of statements should be elected president, IMO.
That newsletter was from the 80's and was shown to be false. People only use that now to find one thing to make him look bad. It's a shame it's a lie and was proven such a long time ago and the person who wrote that was fired.
People hate Ron Paul for what he is on the inside. If anything, Ron Paul is being discriminated against blatantly in the media. It's allowed too. Why is that?
He's different on the inside that is why. He is the only one that has been fighting for a real change for a long time.
People keep talking about how black Obama is on the news (gags), oh my god how could a black guy win Iowa (gags again), they mentioned Hillary's femaleness once.
They are trying to make Obama seem like such the outcast for him being mixed or in their eyes black but he's not the one being outcasted at all. Ron Paul is the one being silenced. Oh but it's completely appropriate to discriminate against those that have a different mindset.
It hasn't yet been established that those with a different view or even a different type of mind shouldn't be excluded.

Please spare me your racist speech. Martin Luther King is a hero of Ron Paul.
Also, if all you can come up with are lies to make Ron Paul seem bad, I could challenge you to a duel.
You list one candidates name and let the dirt digging begin. You should focus on attacking his policies if you don't like it. He's the only candidate right now that wants what is best for America. He also does not want the world police.
Obama is my second choice and he became second once I did research and realized that he plans to have more wars.
Ron Paul said no to the Iraq war from the start. Alot of the other candidates said yes.
Ron Paul also said no to the patriot act and READ IT.
The other candidates voted yes and then admitted to not reading it.
The media keeps regurgitating the echoing words of change. The truth is, if you can handle it, is that the media personally wants a candidate that won't change the powers of corporations.
They also want a president they can talk about alot for ratings. It's sad that the media has a large control and influence over we the people.
I am the DAN Monster. I have your child. You owe me twenty five thousand dollars.
xx Dan Monster
No, the newsletter hasn't been shown to be false. Some have claimed that Ron Paul had ghostwriters writing the Ron Paul Newsletter, and that some unknown person wrote it, and it was released by the Ron Paul organization under Ron Paul's name. Some of these quotes are from Ron Paul himself, responding to media inquiries.
Well, I'm not sure that I am up for a duel this week. What are the terms??
Obama is my second choice and he became second once I did research and realized that he plans to have more wars.
Some of his policies I like. Some are nutty, like the gold standard. I think lots of candidates want what is best for America, they just have different ideas on what is best.
Not sure how you determined that Obama plans on having more wars. Is there any evidence of this, or just your opinion??