zendell, I never trust wikipedia for anything in the least controversial - remember that it can be edited by literally anyone, without peer review or verification of data. When I look for more data regarding homosexuality and genetics, the vast majority ofthe research seems to have been done by partisan groups, which causes me to distrust their conclusions. Guess I'm just going to have to go get that degree in molecular biology and research it myself....
As to Christianity, Christ never said anything about gays. The issue was addressed in Leviticus, along with a lot of other rules that we're told don't apply to Christians any more (did you know that orthodox Judaism recognizes over 600 commandments?), and in the epistles of Paul, along with other issues that modern theologians tell us need to be "reinterpreted for the modern world" (like the heavy sexism, and the bit about slaves not rebelling, but gladly obeying their masters), but in the Gospels, Christ never said word one about sex in any form. He had quite a bit to say about hypocrisy and arrogance, and about people selling things inside the tabernacle, and even about accepting those who seem different from you (dining with sinners, theological opponents, and tax collectors; hanging out with lepers; the parable of the Samaritan), but nothing about sex.
Thus, it is quite possible to be a good Christian, and still accept homosexuality - provided only that you don't necessarily believe in Biblical inerrancy (and if you do believe in that, I'd like an explanation of how to reconcile a number of contradictions...).
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.
Last edited by DeaconBlues on 08 Apr 2008, 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.