skafather84 wrote:
i swear seems like the hatred towards homosexuality all goes back to an irrational fear of the penis.
you don't see lipstick lesbians getting nearly the hate that homosexual men get.
the dykish lesbians get some hate but, well, who doesn't hate an ugly person? (j/k)
i agree lesbians don't nearly get as much attention/hate/recognition as male homosexuals. there is even the train of thought that female homosexuals are not 'true' homosexuals like their male counterparts who are born into their sexuality. what's with that? a lot of people even immediately assume the term 'gay' soley refers to men.
i'm not gay...well...maybe a little bit
...but either way I'm so glad I don't live anywhere near the types of people who actively hate gays. in fact just recently, and right down the street even, there was the 30th anniversary of the gay pride parade...could watch it from my doorstep
...unfortunately being far from the "enemy" doesn't often do much to deter them.
sorry i'm not really contributing much to the actually question. i'm just enjoying the conversation
eh, i'm gonna be getting pretty close to the thick of it pretty soon. moving over to plano, tx (actually about 10 miles north) and that's pretty deep into the bible belt. not looking forward to it.
from the sounds of it....i'm guessing you're in austin? i can't picture many other places in texas actually having a gay pride parade.