EC wrote:
You can't possibly mean that you would compromise like that. You have bigger problems than loneliness if you sway that easily
well, I don't feel lonely right now, although I think I might have an intense feeling of that a later time, which I hope I won't.
Is swaying that easily a problem? it may have its disadvantages as well as advantages I think, the issue is that I don't seem to have a well established perspective on anything regarding ideologies, politics, religion and philosophy, I tend to lean towards some of them and that's because of convenience, I mean, whatever I feel it works for me I would choose it. Now, I get that that is a problem regarding Christianity as Christians don't accept this approach and that wouldn't be regarded as real faith.
"Gays? What about them?" to "GAY?! MORE LIKE HAY-ELL!"

well, the issue is not exactly about desperation for a relationship and I doubt a straight guy would become gay just for the sake of having a relationship.
?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?