auntblabby wrote:
in these "invitation only" cities, who will do the dirty work if only the non-lower classes are invited?
Legal, noncriminal, Citizens who apply for the available jobs. Los Alamos did not have open employment, it was a goal directed plan.
They still had housekeeping, food service, child care, yard care.
A living wage, good housing, education, health care. Unlike the current system that exploits the working class to fund a criminal and welfare class. Most of the costs of crime and welfare goes directly to Government Employees. Over 90% of SSI funds go to employees, payroll, healthcare, retirement, and office costs. Less than 10% goes to benefits, and medical care of those in need.
Medicare for all, a minimum income for all, would be cheaper.
A living wage, cheap education, would still make work a better choice.
Our percentage of the population that is involved in the workforce is low and dropping. The future seems to need less workers. Shorter term, 45 million war babies are retiring, and will be around for thirty years. The not employed must be provided for. Mostly about a third have been outside the workforce, young, old, disabled, unemployed.
In the near future, that will be about half. I do not think it fair to demand that eighty year olds provide for themselves in a world that changes rapidly, or to blame school children or the disabled.
My main point is we are already spending more than it would cost to offer equal justice to all.
The other side of the coin, the employed would have to pay for it, but providing services to the unemployed would create more employment. The more people out of the workforce, the greater demand for workers, which leads to higher wages.
Walmart and fast food send their workers to food stamps, and the public picks up their emergency medical costs. Corporations should be taxed based on the income of their lowest paid employees. With 50% employment, we need to protect the workers.
While I do think it needed to get rid of all the illegals in the country, and that you are only a Citizen if, you were born here, and at least one of your parents was a Citizen. Those who return to their home country, should be able to apply for Guest Worker status. No path to Citizenship, except legal immigration, but evidence of working in the US, staying out of jail, would lead to immediate reentry as a tax paying worker.
Our farms, orchards, meat packing, construction, run on Mexican labor. A Legal, Protected Status is best for us and them.
Our old Mexican families do not like illegals, our recent legal immigrants do not like illegals, many of the illegals do not like some of the other illegals. An illegal shoots a white woman in San Francisco, it makes the news. Almost all illegal crime is against the Hispanic Community. We do have common ground, all we need is common sense.
It is not just Mexico, all of South America, taking criminal, the insane, to the nearest border and making sure they cross, and posting their picture at all border crossings, is how they deal with problems. It is cheap and fast.
We are being used for a dumping ground.
Other illegals have camels, explosive vests, belong to Yakusa Families, Chinese Triads, Chinese Government, and have very good fake papers. They hide in a sea of illegals, let us drain the sea. We think there are between 11 and 32 million, at the high end, that is 10%. We should at least look into it.
In 1800 London 90% were illiterate, lived in total poverty, and gin consumption was a quart a day per man woman and child. People died at 32. It was much better than 1700.
By 1900 10% were illiterate and in poverty. They lived to 42.
When America started Social Security retirement age was set as 65, because everyone died at 55.
In 2000 Americans live twice as long as in 1900.
It does get better, that does cause some new problems, our Conservative culture and values have brought us this far.
We have rising knowledge, standard of living, years of life, the last Witch was burned at the stake in England in 1799. Small Pox and Polio have been eradicated.
We can hand the next generation a better world.