I will not allow the following people, media outlets, websites, and organizations to do my thinking for me.
100 Percent Fed Up, 63 Red, Accuracy In Media (AIM), ACT For America, ACT for America, Aghogday, Alex Jones, Alliance Defending Freedom, Alternet, America First, America's Freedom Fighters, America's Promise Ministries, American Border Patrol/American Patrol, American College of Pediatricians, American Conservative, American Family Association, American Freedom Party, American Mirror, American Nazi Party, American Renaissance, American Thinker, Ann Coulter, Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, Aryan Brotherhood, Aryan Nations, Asatru Folk Assembly, Atomwaffen Division, Barnes Review/Foundation for Economic Liberty, Bicuitman, Big League Politics, Bill O’Reilly, Bipartisan Report, BizPac Review, Black Lives Matter, Blacksphere, Blaze, Blazing Cat Fur, Blood & Honour, Bongino/Drudge Report, Breitbart News Network, Brictoria, Brigitte Gabriel, Brotherhood of Klans, Cable News Network (CNN), Canada Free Press, Center for Immigration Studies, Center for Security Policy, Chicks On The Right, Church of Christ (Scientist), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), Church of Scientology, Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Clash Daily, CNS News, Common Sense Show, Conservative 101, Conservative Daily Post, Conservative Fighters, Conservative HQ, Conservative Read, Conservative Review, Conservative Treehouse, Conservative Tribune, Council for National Policy, Council of Conservative Citizens, Creativity Movement, Cubedemon6073, Da Tech Guy Blog, Daily Beast, Daily Caller, Daily Headlines, Daily Sheeple, Daily Signal, Daily Wire, Dangerous.com, Daniel Pipes, David Kupelian, Debbie Schlussel, Dennis Michael Lynch, Dick Morris, Disinfo, Donald Trump, DownTrend, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dustin Inman Society, EURO, Family Research Council, Family Security Matters, Family Watch International, Federalist Papers, Federalist, Federation for American Immigration Reform, First Things, Flamingshorts, FOX News/One America News Network, Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK), Free Beacon, Free Republic, Freedom Works, Frontpage Mag, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Gab, Gateway Pundit, Glenn Beck, GOP USA, Hannity, Headline Politics, Heritage, Hillary Clinton, Hollywood_Guy, Horn News, Hot Air, Human Events, Human Events, I Have The Truth, Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement, Iglesia Ni Christo, Imperial Klans of America, Independent Journal Review (IJR), Information Liberation, InfoWars, Institute for Historical Review, J.K. Rowling, Jehovah's Witness (any), Jewish Defense League, Joe Miller, Jozef Victor Nathan Gherman, Judicial Watch, Kenneth Copeland, Keystone United, Kingdom Identity Ministries, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan, League of the South, Legal Insurrection, Lew Rockwell, Liberty Council, Liberty Counsel, Liberty Daily, Linkiest, Louder With Crowder, Lucianne, Mad World News, Mark Levin Show, Matt Walsh Blog, McClatchy DC, Media2Rise, Mental Recession, Michelle Malkin, Mike Lindell, Moon Battery, Moorish Sovereign Citizens, Mr Reynholm, MRC/MRCTV, Nation of Islam, National Alliance, National Coalition for Issue Reform, National Liberty Alliance, National Review, National Socialist Movement, National Vanguard, New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, New Black Panther Party, Newsbusters, Nick Fuentes, Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, Oath Keepers, Occidental Quarterly, Oprah Winfrey, Other McCain, Outside The Beltway, Pacific Justice Institute, Patriot Front, Patriot Front, Patriot Journal, Patriot Post, Pepe, Pioneer Fund, PJ Media, Political Insider, Powerline Blog, Prison Planet, Proud Boys, QAnon, Radical Hebrew Israelites, Rebel, Red Alert Politics, Red State Watcher, Red State, Redd_Cross, Regated, Renew America, Republic Buzz, Resurgent, Right Scoop, Rise Above Movement, Rush Limbaugh (may he Rest In Peace), Ruth Institute, Sheila Edlund, Shlaifu, Slam_Thunderhide, Spectator.org, Stephen McNallen, Stephen McNallen, Steyn Online, Stormfront, Supreme Patriot, The Base, The Onion, The Remembrance Project, The Social Contract Press, The_Znof, Three Percent Nation, Three Percenters, Townhall, Traditionalist Worker Party, True Pundit, True Viral News, Trump Train News, Trumpsters (any), Truth Revolt, Twitchy, Twitter, United Constitutional Patriots, US Defense Watch, VDARE, Vinlanders Social Club, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Watchtower Magazine, Wayne Dupree, We Are Change, Weasel Zippers, Weekly Standard, Westboro Baptist Church, Western Journal, What Really Happened, White Lives Matter, White Revolution, Whitehouse Dossier, World Congress of Families, World Net Daily, WorldNetDaily, YouTube, Z Man, and Zero Hedge.
Anyone may ask to have a name removed; but first they must either (a) be a moderator of this website, OR (b) convince me that the name does not belong on this list.