Gromit wrote:
Henriksson wrote:
TheKingsRaven wrote:
Someone has to be "officially" in-charge of the nation,
I've always wondered about this. Why?
So that you know whose head to chop off when you have a revolution? Random chopping is frowned upon.
Reading what Dawkins says about "kin-selection", what Gromit has pointed out is quite profound.
In social experiments, people forced to choose between outcomes to a tragedy, when each outcome leads to someone getting killed, prefer the outcome affecting only "involved" people, instead of "bystanders". for example, say I can send an out of control rail carriage into one siding, killing one pedestrian trapped there by accident, or another siding killing 5 railroad employees doing maintenance. People usually chose the other siding with the 5 employees, even though that means 5 people die instead of one. This is because the pedestrian is a "bystander", who is trapped by accident, and the railroad employees know the risks and are on the line on purpose, making them "involved" or "party" to the situation.
In respect to Gromit's quote, random chopping can, indeed, be frowned upon.
Life is Painful. Suffering is Optional. Keep your face to the Sun and never see your Shadow.