Henriksson wrote:
I think I had established that already? If the child is unwanted for whatever reason (failed protection, rape), the child would be terminated during pregnancy, as it is quite obvious if someone is pregnant sooner or later, and if no abortion is performed the care-takers of that child impose upon that child a sense of identity.
One is either capable of self-identify or they are not. Placing identify onto someone who can't is a an imaginary construct, not to mention the fact that this doesn't stop people from placing an identity on those who have not been born yet. You're drawing arbitary lines in the sand.
Then we have people who give birth who never knew they were pregnant (Yes, this can actually happen when the individual is large). They have placed no identity on the child, are they justified if they want to bash it's brains out with a stone?
Henriksson wrote:
Oh, under some extreme situations (such as really dramatic overpopulation) I think 'infanticide' would be the best course of action, but of course it would be better to prevent these babies being born in the first place, or solve the overpopulation in some other way.
Actually, the best course of action would be killing the adult with the highest calorific intake. The second best course of action would be to kill dissidents.