ruveyn wrote:
number5 wrote:
I just think we've tried the trickle down method for long enough. Nothing trickles down, it all collects at the very top. If the middle class could only use half of the tax evasion and loophole strategies that the those at the top can, then maybe things could begin to even out. The middle and lower class have been exploited for too long now. Who benefits from high oil prices, or high health insurance costs, or young Americans being sent out to war, or credit default swaps? I think it is the rich who have been commiting armed robbery on the poor!
So you want to democratize robbery, fraud and plunder?
Sounds like a Hobbesian nightmare. We can have a free for all and life will be nasty, bruitish and short for all of us.
Cause darn it, a little social equality through taxation has severely crippled other countries like Canada. Life sure is nasty, brutish and short up here!
USA GDP per capita $47,000 (2008 est.)
life expectancy at birth 78.11 years
CANADA GDP per capita $39,300 (2008 est.)
life expectancy at birth 81.23 years
I'm pretty opposed to excess taxation, but you are doing a bit of a wah wah doom and gloom routine.
How about Sweden?
GDP per capita $38,500 (2008 est.)
Life expectancy at birth 80.86 years
Now what I cannot tell is how much of that 47000 the average American spends on health care and private insurance. Enlighten me?
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.