Chief__ wrote:
i am an ORTHODOX christian who knows about his faith and so i don't take seriously your anwers
my dad made a suicide attempt when he learned that i am different when i was 6 but my uncle just happened to come to my house at this time
this is not luck,God saved him
and yes God of the Old Testament is still love
its just because you are ignorant that you don't believe
and i was a former atheisr
Arrrgh.... Too... Much... Irony...
Brain... Overloading...
*Explodes all over the thread in a bloody haze of exasperation*
This really shouldn't be in the random discussion forum. Or any forum, for that matter. Too depressing.
For argument's sake though, let's assume that there actually *was* some way for you to confirm that a supernatural force intervened and prevented your father from dying. So what? You're still legions upon legions away from demonstrating that this supernatural force also created and controls every single aspect of the universe, including abstract notions, is completely alone in that capacity, *and* follows a very specific set of doctrines written by humans some thousands of years ago to the exclusion of all other sets of doctrines also written by humans some thousands of years ago.
You fail to consider anything at all other than your own prejudiced notion, intentionally ignoring all reasoning behind other points of view while simultaneously not only failing, but staunchly
refusing to provide
any justification whatsoever of your own... And yet
you call everyone
else ignorant while cupping your hands over your own ears and declaring you aren't going to take anybody else seriously. Why then, pray tell (pun not intended), should we offer
you that courtesy when you very blatantly stated you will not give it to us?
This has nothing to do with religion, or even the fact that you have a differing opinion. If you offered this same style of 'argument' (and I'm using the term infinitely generously here) to the effect that a deity of some undefined sort
doesn't exist, I'd be equally revolted. You simply present, to be frank, as an loudmouthed, arrogant, redneck douchebag who wants to simply shove your opinion down the throats of others and act incredulous that anybody could
possibly disagree with you. Of course, the only possible reason anybody could would have to be because they're idiots, because to
any rational person (like yourself) it should be painfully, blatantly obvious to the point where no justification for it is necessary or even possible. No way in hell (pun totally intended) you could possibly be wrong about anything.
Of course, I'm probably being too hard on you. You're simply a victim, like so many others are, of longstanding religious propaganda designed to, in essence, brainwash people and prevent them from ever trying to refine or enlighten their points of view. Holding back independent thought is the only way viral religions like Orthodox Christianity survive. (And yes, it is viral; I challenge you to find anybody at all who will independently will come up with Christianity on their own. Every last Christian on earth is a Christian because some influential person or group in their lives who was also infected with Christianity spread it to them while they were in a vulnerable state.)
TL;DR version: You aren't going to convince anybody at all of anything at all when you have an attitude like that. Come back when you learn something about finding common ground and developing rational arguments from it. Of course, the ironic part is that if you ever do you won't even hold the stance you're trying to argue anymore.
Only once you have traversed the path of darkness will you come to truly appreciate the light.