ascan wrote:
And that audience of hate-filled ethnic minorities made me sick. I think that was supposed to be representative of the ethnic make-up of London. Their views give a good indication of what we face in years to come as the left force their depraved multicultural hell far-and-wide across our land. This programme should have convinced any true patriot to support the BNP.
As opposed to cultureless hate filled "Nativist". "Nativist" is being used ironically, as it was when it was a political party in the US.
It is funny that so often the far right nationalists are involved in very little, if any actual culture. What they are defending is nothing unique, or worth writing home about. That is because it is bigotry for bigotry sake, the rest is just excuses. Where as those who are involved in some traditional pursuits don't feel in the least bit threatened by other people doing similar.
It is very telling when every problem you have has a convenient scapegoat. And the scapegoat isn't human nature which would make you a apart of it, but rather some other whipping boy.