techstepgenr8tion wrote:
if theists really were so limbic as to live purely to save their own arses this would be a much different kind of world).
True, we'd be at war all the time and people would fall for dumb ideas like "manifest destiny" because everyone knows that we're better than everyone else and "we" should rule ("we" being a handful of rich dudes who pretend to be our friends but never share) and the strong would be constantly exploiting the weak and the bankers would be constantly robbing the country and our soldiers would be running amok around the globe, plundering and pillaging the weaker countries and committing genocide and the major corporations would be controlling the media so no one knew what was really going on and we would have drug cartels ruling everywhere and... wait a minute... I think I've seen a world like that somewhere...
But seriously, I do believe that decent people exist. I like to think that maybe as much as half of us have at least some internal, objective sense of right and wrong. Unfortunately, they almost never get into positions of power. Selfish people are more driven.
I help people in quiet, subtle ways, often without their knowledge. It's not much of a gift if they have to grovel for it. I don't always feel good about helping people. Sometimes it's just right. Sometimes I'm punished for it. I do it anyway.
As for the guy taking the bullet for a friend, I don't believe there's time to think like that. I think it's exactly what it looks like -- a simple, selfless act.
Occupy Everything!