Omerik wrote:
Am I the only one who doesn't see how these two adjectives contradict each other?
By god I see you use references that spell out a personal god and akin to the Abrahamic ones.
Understanding why people come to believe in god, and more importantly a personal god is vital to see the contradiction.
Additionally, reading the bible/Quran easily presented me with comprehension of the intrinsic intolerance first to other religions/gods and not least, the feverish intolerance to atheists/positive assertions that there is no god.
The Torah also provides disharmony, although I have not read enough of it personally to have a more complete understanding beyond the gist.
Now, if we move to a deist god, I then retract nearly if not all my views that support the intolerance factor. However, if a religion is then applied even then, there's room for the intolerance availability. This would not be the belief in a deist god itself, but to the dogma/doctrine they submit their will to that would then be closer to the source of the issue.
Religion poisons everything.
Theism poisons everything.
The reason people believe in god tends to poison everything.
Omerik wrote:
I listen to every person, including those who don't believe in God (I'm agnostic). My senses tell me it's wrong to fight, and wrong to discriminate by gender, religion, race, nationality, etc.
Why is it wrong to fight?
Why is it wrong to discriminate by gender, ethnicity, etc.?
As for religion, I feel puzzled by your stance.
Read the Quran and do so with the context that you believe what is written is the inerrant word of god and those who are Muslim submit their will to the morality of that god/book.
Their religion tells them to fight, discriminate by gender, religion, lack of belief, etc.
To say you don't discriminate by religion is to not see how broad that term is as a whole.
Define religion and while there can be more or less benign dogma and doctrine, generally it parses their reality where it would have not been without. Religion disables criticial thinking, in some cases only in a few areas (i.e. it doesn't harm others in theory) and in other cases it rapes their mind to believe 2+2=5.
Omerik wrote:
I don't think it contradicts me believing in God. I even think that religious people are wrong for being afraid of sceintific research. After all, they WOULD be proud of the findings if it would show that they are right...
Belief there is a god isn't overall relevant in the sense that "god" is a rather meaningless word. It's what is ascribed to that god and how it allows for delusional thinking.
How is it wrong they are afraid so to speak of science? The beginning of humanity in the Abrahamic religions specifically declares science to be evil and to be shunned. Thinking for ourselves is wrong based on their mythos.
Omerik wrote:
I find it sad that if I talk to religious people, they call me a blasphemer, and if I talk to educated people, they call me an idiot. But why? My religious beliefs claim that I know nothing about God, and that science doesn't reject him.
I've reached a point where the overall empty meaning of the word god is forcing me to make too many assumptions.
Define god.
Define the value of there being a god.
Explain what it would mean to you if you didn't believe in god.
How would belief in god or a lack of belief make any difference to your choices and views about reality and to if this would be a modifier for what you vote on.
If you have explained this elsewhere, please link me.
Omerik wrote:
What I feel, overall, is that the idiot population thinks you HAVE to believe in God, and the smart population thinks you HAVE to be an atheist.
Do you have an example or two of those who think you have to be an atheist?
Omerik wrote:
Why can't I be in between? Why can't I believe in the Torah, while having respect for women, for different races, for every human being, and being merciful? That's how I read the Torah. And I don't hurt anybody, so why do "educated" people have a problem with it? It's not like I'm forcing them to convert...
If you never had access to religious books, what then?
In case it's misunderstood here, I do not think you are an idiot or anything negative for your beliefs and thoughts. You are trying to make sense of these things.