U.S. Mercenaries
Celoneth wrote:
Torture is pretty well established as being a crime against humanity under international law, including treaties that we have signed. It is also a violation of Federal law - there is no legal right to torture ANYONE - though we have ignored the law and conveniently redefined what torture is but that's another issue. The Constitution is not as a whole only applicable to Americans. For example, illegal immigrants have a constitutional right to be treated in US hospitals for emergencies, if a foreign citizen comes to the US and drives drunk and is arrested - s/he has the same right to due process as a US citizen. The few provisions that have citizenship requirements deal with holding elective office.
International "law" is a crock. Without an armed force to enforce them, they are mere conventions. No police, no law.
ruveyn wrote:
Celoneth wrote:
Torture is pretty well established as being a crime against humanity under international law, including treaties that we have signed. It is also a violation of Federal law - there is no legal right to torture ANYONE - though we have ignored the law and conveniently redefined what torture is but that's another issue. The Constitution is not as a whole only applicable to Americans. For example, illegal immigrants have a constitutional right to be treated in US hospitals for emergencies, if a foreign citizen comes to the US and drives drunk and is arrested - s/he has the same right to due process as a US citizen. The few provisions that have citizenship requirements deal with holding elective office.
International "law" is a crock. Without an armed force to enforce them, they are mere conventions. No police, no law.
Is there such a thing as a Jewish Nazi?
ruveyn wrote:
Sand wrote:
So the Patriot Act and the covert tortures and assassinations of the CIA are merely good standard government to your eyes. Or haven't you heard about that?
Do not call to ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.
Torture against foreign enemies. More power to the CIA. Foreign Enemies and Americans fighting for them have no rights under our Constitution. Our Constitution guarantees rights for Americans, not for foreigners.
In WW2 we killed women and children in the hundreds of thousands. Not a single rights violation there. It was War.
And in WWII Nazi Germany slaughtered millions!

The ONLY reason why Nazis were punished for their dirty deads is because Germany lost the war. Since the Nazis made extensive use of slave labor during the war, by ruveyns logic it was in the Nazis best interest to exterminate the jews, gypsies, soviet POWs, and others that they used for slave labor because had they not these people would've taken revenge following Germany's crushing defeat. After all, it was war, right?
For some reason I think your trying to be sarcastic. All the parts in bold are true. Which would mean if you are trying to use sarcasm you have failed. Sorry.
ruveyn wrote:
The ONLY reason why Nazis were punished for their dirty deads is because Germany lost the war. Since the Nazis made extensive use of slave labor during the war, by ruveyns logic it was in the Nazis best interest to exterminate the jews, gypsies, soviet POWs, and others that they used for slave labor because had they not these people would've taken revenge following Germany's crushing defeat. After all, it was war, right?
It is better to win than to lose.

Oh really? Well DUH!! Captain Obvious Strikes Again!

But you know quite well you probably wouldn't be here if they did win WWII. So keep that in mind: What you advocate against others Can and Will be used against you.

And ikorack: I was actually not being sarcastic at all.
Sand wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Celoneth wrote:
Torture is pretty well established as being a crime against humanity under international law, including treaties that we have signed. It is also a violation of Federal law - there is no legal right to torture ANYONE - though we have ignored the law and conveniently redefined what torture is but that's another issue. The Constitution is not as a whole only applicable to Americans. For example, illegal immigrants have a constitutional right to be treated in US hospitals for emergencies, if a foreign citizen comes to the US and drives drunk and is arrested - s/he has the same right to due process as a US citizen. The few provisions that have citizenship requirements deal with holding elective office.
International "law" is a crock. Without an armed force to enforce them, they are mere conventions. No police, no law.
Is there such a thing as a Jewish Nazi?
Perhaps the correct term would be zionism?
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
MissConstrue wrote:
Sand wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Celoneth wrote:
Torture is pretty well established as being a crime against humanity under international law, including treaties that we have signed. It is also a violation of Federal law - there is no legal right to torture ANYONE - though we have ignored the law and conveniently redefined what torture is but that's another issue. The Constitution is not as a whole only applicable to Americans. For example, illegal immigrants have a constitutional right to be treated in US hospitals for emergencies, if a foreign citizen comes to the US and drives drunk and is arrested - s/he has the same right to due process as a US citizen. The few provisions that have citizenship requirements deal with holding elective office.
International "law" is a crock. Without an armed force to enforce them, they are mere conventions. No police, no law.
Is there such a thing as a Jewish Nazi?
Perhaps the correct term would be zionism?
Actually, there were Jews that fought for Hitler. A historian researched that interesting fact and wrote a book about it. Apparently many German families were surprised to learn that they had Jewish Heritage.
He wrote a book about it. It is not apologetic to the Nazi regime, and my understanding is that it is purely a historical research project. I've been meaning to read it for years.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.
Fuzzy wrote:
MissConstrue wrote:
Actually, there were Jews that fought for Hitler. A historian researched that interesting fact and wrote a book about it. Apparently many German families were surprised to learn that they had Jewish Heritage.
Actually, there were Jews that fought for Hitler. A historian researched that interesting fact and wrote a book about it. Apparently many German families were surprised to learn that they had Jewish Heritage.
That is an oversight in the Nazi system. I am sure the folks who were of Jewish ancestry and passed for Aryan were equally surprised.