What will you do...when your welfare checks stop?
The Work for Welfare or community service for welfare was mentioned a time or two, but i'll tell you straight up, it's silly... All it does is create a government owned labour force competing with the private labour force, and reducing what would be otherwise paying jobs. Make them do something no body else wants to do (is a comment i hear, even if not on this thread yet) Well s**t, if no one else will do it, and it pays more than what i'm doing right now... where do i get an application? Someone will do ANY job, if it pays the right price... And if the right price is not being offered for that job, there is something screwy with the labour force and job market... Oh wait, could it be that government owned labour force?
The problem with the supplement to families with dependent children (we call it baby bonus here in Canada) is that it encourages the poorest to have the most kids. It encourages those who do not want to work to have the most kids.
But to those who can afford kids, this supplement is either taxed away from you to the point it is of no value, or the marginal benefit of it is so small compared to the costs of raising kids (ie, forgone income, education, and all the things you need to buy for them) that it doesn't increase the birth rate where it was originally intended to increase it.
Ever watch the Simpsons? You know the family I'm talking about... Nuff said
Know anything about genetics?
Apply 10 generations of said family to genetic theory vs. 10 generations of Yuppies having 1 kid.
Okay... 26 kids, 10 generations... 26^10 = 141,167,095,653,376 hicks... from 1 couple.. Uh... duh.. yup.
and... the Yuppies... uh... okay, well, you need need 1,024 couples to have one child left after those 10 generations.
Okay, but where do we Aspies fit in.
I'm risking being yelled at here, by saying all you wannabe aspies that use the term as an excuse to be antisocial so you don't have to work, you fall into the hicks.
All the rocket scientists among us.. well, you're the yuppies...
Now.. everyone in between.... I guess you have to decide which category you fall into for yourself.
There's another side of it too, really... Is AS a "flaw" or an "improvement" upon mankind?
Are we aspies more of a corollary or a side-effect of society?
Maybe like in ants and bees, there are genes that can be turned on and off depending on various factors, and those genes make us "worker ants" "queen bees" "drones' etc. Is asperger's just one such classification? have those genes evolved into existence because having a certain number of "us" around is good for the gene pool as a whole?
If so, is allowing us to breed, with those genes turned on, and as a result, socially more apt to cause those same genes to be turned on in our children a good thing, or a bad thing? Will there be to many aspies out there as a result?
What this all boils down to is a social policy version of Eugenics.
I can't say I find it objectionable either... So long as it's confined to social policy... not sterilizations or euthanasia or such.
You Californians have the colloquial "superman" as Governor, could you expect any different from him?
People will do whatever they need to do to survive. Regrettably, there are few enough who have the capacity or the skills to support themselves through their own employment. This begins to narrow down the options, considerably.
For the lucky few, family can provide a safe haven--but not indefinitely.
Some will resort to property crime. Others will resort to illegal forms of self-employment (and consequent loss of tax revenue). But however it occurs, the resources that currently come in by way of government support will be replaced, and they will be replaced at somebody's cost.
not all of us are fit for 4 years of college, and to get a clean job in an office sans degree is fairly rare, unless you count a phone [soliciter] bank as an office job.
Not to mention that most people coming out of college these days can't find work, either.
You have a valid point here, but right now, it seems like everybody and their brother are already sitting at home doing nothing, while drawing Welfare checks, so they might as well make them get out and do something to pay the community back. Maybe they should have them pick up garbage while wearing bright colored t-shirts that say "I'M ON WELFARE" on the back.
For the lucky few, family can provide a safe haven--but not indefinitely.
Some will resort to property crime. Others will resort to illegal forms of self-employment (and consequent loss of tax revenue). But however it occurs, the resources that currently come in by way of government support will be replaced, and they will be replaced at somebody's cost.
At times like these I'm very glad to be living in Western Canada. Assuming the Tar Sands bubble doesn't burst, things will go smoothly.
Yep, welfare, the old Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, will END here in California in October if the governator gets his way. First welfare, then child care, then medicare, then SSI? What will aspies do once their SSI checks stop coming? You can't get a job, since there are six highly skilled NT applicants for every opening. That's not counting the unskilled people, like single moms and the disabled, looking too. What will happen once everybody is thrown off the rolls in govt's desperate bid to save itself?
First off, not every Aspie in the world is on welfare or SSI. I personally am benefiting from SSI checks at the moment, but I don't intend to rely on it forever, or else I would probably want to kill myself. I don't deny that many aspies benefit from these services. I do myself. But this falls into the trap of thinking all aspies are the same, as a lot of people tend to do on these forums.
Second off, I can't tell if your post is intended to be geniune concern for Aspies losing disability benefits or whether it's some kind of subtle attack on aspies as a whole who benefit from them. Please clarify, as it's often hard to tell on these forums what intentions in written words are.
I don't see it as a subtle attack at all.
I think it is more meant to provoke thought. We have to be able to plan ahead for the future for our own survival independent of anything.
going to cut off all that is leeched by illegal foreigners.
Would you care to elaborate on this a little? Pretty much the only service that illegals can still get is a K-12 education, yet the majority of illegals still pay Medicare, Social Security and income taxes. As a group, illegals pay more into the system than they take out.
It baffles me how people can still advocate these economically ruinous welfare policies in the midst of the current crisis.
You have a valid point here, but right now, it seems like everybody and their brother are already sitting at home doing nothing, while drawing Welfare checks, so they might as well make them get out and do something to pay the community back. Maybe they should have them pick up garbage while wearing bright colored t-shirts that say "I'M ON WELFARE" on the back.
While what you say is true in principle. Doing so will put even more people on welfare.
Btw... if everyone worked for the government, doing the jobs needed by society, and all receiving a check that is essentially geared to some "need based" calculation based on family size and such... wouldn't that be called Communism? No not really, because the government is still a government, and in this case controlled by big business.... Not an extension of the people. So it ends up sounding exactly like corporate slavery.
Conspiracy theory? Whatever... and popular opinion which calls for just this... plays right into the hands of those with most to gain.
You have a valid point here, but right now, it seems like everybody and their brother are already sitting at home doing nothing, while drawing Welfare checks, so they might as well make them get out and do something to pay the community back. Maybe they should have them pick up garbage while wearing bright colored t-shirts that say "I'M ON WELFARE" on the back.
While what you say is true in principle. Doing so will put even more people on welfare.
Btw... if everyone worked for the government, doing the jobs needed by society, and all receiving a check that is essentially geared to some "need based" calculation based on family size and such... wouldn't that be called Communism? No not really, because the government is still a government, and in this case controlled by big business.... Not an extension of the people. So it ends up sounding exactly like corporate slavery.
Conspiracy theory? Whatever... and popular opinion which calls for just this... plays right into the hands of those with most to gain.
I'm not in favor of doing away with even more jobs, because lower class workers are already getting screwed over as it is. I'm just saying that there needs to be a deterrent from abusing the Welfare system, because the more people that goes on Welfare, the more everyone pays in taxes, and the poorer we all get. Will requiring people to do community service work? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe even better detterents would be lowering payments, and stricter rules. Also, there are things that can be done in the community that don't already have someone getting a paycheck to do, but are there enough things to go around for the high numbers of Welfare recipients?
By the way, I know several people on Welfare, that have the attitude "why should I work at such and such place, when I can sit at home and get just as much, or more for free". Are they being selfish, lazy, and taking advantage of a screwed up system? Yes. Is this a problem of a screwed up economy and job market? At least partly.
Here's the deal:
The Federal government is broke but can print more money for a while.
The State governments are broke.
The Cities are broke.
The Counties are broke.
There will come a time in the very very near future when they can't pay wages, let alone pensions and welfare.
Then what? Well, riots, starvation and death. That's what.
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