jc6chan wrote:
Janissy wrote:
It's just that things that are closer to us look bigger than things that are further away. .
Duh! Now what does that have to do with anything we are talking about here?
If it's "duh!" then why do you want a religious explanation for why they appear the same size when viewed from earth? So the moon appears to block out the sun during an eclipse. So? Why does that need any explanation beyond "things that are closer look larger than things that are farther away"? Are you seriously thinking that this requires a religious explanation because it looks so mystical to have the moon blocking out the sun during an eclipse? Is that really what you are getting at? What am I missing? What exactly is so odd that requires a religious explanation to make sense of it?
Your argument seems to be that the visual similarity in size during an eclipse is proof of God because...because what? It looks so cool and mystical to have the sun blocked out? And if God didn't exist, things that look cool and mystical also wouldn't exist because there would be no need? Honestly. Your argument didn't make any sense.
As skafather pointed out, the moon doesn't actually totally block out the sun during an eclispe. Just enough to look cool and mystical if that is your frame of mind (I added the last bit). Would you not believe in God if the moon appeared far smaller than the sun during an eclipse? It sounds like you believe God made it look that way so that humans would say "ooohhhhhh" and be impressed and religious. That it's all some sort of heavenly special effect for our benefit.
Help me, somebody.