daniel3103 wrote:
Awesomelyglorious wrote:
I have no idea what counts for "free thinking".
I would consider myself a critical thinker than make any pretension to being free and open.
A freethinker is someone who only uses logic, observation and reason in order to form opinions. Free, in this sense, means free
of dogma or untested beliefs.
So, you are saying that that a freethinker is a kind of human being that doesn't exist? Well, I am certainly not one of those. I recognized long ago that not every single belief could ever be tested.
That being said, have fun with this:
1) Suppose that P is some piece of knowledge. Then P is a justified true belief.
2) The only thing that can justify P is another statement – let's call it P1; so P1 justifies P.
3) But if P1 is to be a satisfactory justification for P, then we must know that P1.
4) But for P1 to be known, it must also be a justified true belief.
5) That justification will be another statement - let's call it P2; so P2 justifies P1.
6) But if P2 is to be a satisfactory justification for P1, then we must know that P2
7) But for P2 to count as knowledge, it must itself be a justified true belief.
8 ) That justification will in turn be another statement - let's call it P3; so P3 justifies P2.
9) and so on, ad infinitum.