yeahyeah wrote:
Vexcalibur wrote:
Humans are mammals.
There's nothing misanthropic about that...
I was talking about anti-human propaganda, there was a guy on Youtube who called humans "dumb monkeys", I am appalled.
"Mammals" are warm-blooded, oxygen-breathing creatures with hair (even if it's a trivial amount in only one place, all creatures defined as "mammals" have hair). Mammals also nurse their young from their own bodies; most bear their young directly, as it were, although there are a couple of species that lay eggs (specifically, the platypus and the echnida).
Humans are mammals. We are also apes (although not monkeys - monkeys have tails, while apes are tailless primates). Unlike most varieties of ape, those of us in genus
Homo are possessed of more advanced cognitive function (even an idiot human is capable of greater cognitive feats than the average silverback gorilla, for instance); however, that doesn't make us some sort of separate creation.
How is this "anti-human propaganda"?
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.