visagrunt wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Give three concrete and specific examples of -public- good as opposed to some individual's good. Are the any individual goods that are common to ALL people in the society. Name three.
Whenever anyone says "public good" or "social contract" or "fair share" I have to fight the urge to reach for my Uzi.
1) Currency.
A complex society cannot function in an environment where there is not a medium of exchange and a system for regulating that medium.
2) Administration of law.
Both public law and private law require a system of arbitration and enforcement. It is pointless for any two people to make a contract if neither of them has a way of ensuring that the other will perform his obligations.
3) Public safety.
The existence of a force, authorized by law to protect the territory of the country and the citizens thereof from armed agression from within (policing) or without (armed forces) ensures that there is a reasonable prospect that my investments and your investments and the investments of people's pension funds will not be looted.
Currency can be replaced by any trade commodity agreed upon by the parties to a transaction. It is unjust that a government insists that all debts, public and private be paid with their legally counterfeited confetti.
Administration of Law is not a public good if the law is unjust.
Public Safety. I might buy that. Preventing individuals from imposing undue or unreasonable hazards upon others seems like a reasonable thing for governments to do. Too bad they do this function rather poorly.
One out of three is better than I would have expected.