Scrapheap wrote:
Laz wrote:
It has never been a case of a gauge you can pull out of a mystical box and say whether you are winning or losing the battle against resistance in Iraq. When does the occupation of a foriegn country and the complete annihilation of resistance ever happen within history? Especially where the occupying power has no concept or understanding of Arabic people and culture. I tell you who the Yanks really need right now is to ressurect Moshe Dayan from the grave cause he by far understood the Arabic culture better then any americain general every will.
Evidently you did'nt read the bigraphy of Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf.
DO you want America to loose here? or are you just an eternal pessemist??
The hannibal inspired general aye. I sincerly doubt he has the same knowledge as Dayan did, the man was a genius who stands out in history. Schwarzkopf outside of the US and those with an interest in the military doesn't have nearly the same kind of flare and ingenuity.
Do I want the United states to loose? Loose what precisely? What war is being fought? This is an occupation, not a war. Conventional warfare is not taking place here and despite the mass media exajeratting everything the attrition facing US forces is due to problems caused by the poor initial moves of the ground forces in Iraq once the Repulbican Guard disintegrated and faded into the general population. The kind of day to day combat operations seen in vietnam is not happening, its an occupation not a war there is no north vs south. There is sectarian violence akin to places such as Northern Ireland, Yugoslavia etc
I can see from the way you post that you have very little knowledge of military matters and while I am mearly a glorified armchair general in terms of my interest in military history I would advice you take a more objective view of the situation and not be so trigger happy with your pseudo-political labels dismissing the opinion of individuals. There are individuals who operate on this forum each with their own unique take on the world around us and your crude generalisation while quite amusing and stereotypical is completly childish and unneccesary. Last time I checked this board was mostly populated by adults. Try acting like one it helps