Orwell wrote:
Inuyasha, you lying bastard. I have called you on this before.
Sure whatever...
Inuyasha wrote:
You and other leftists have accused conservatives of being accessories to murder with absolutely no evidence, so don't even bother trying to claim you didn't or I will go back and quote you. I quite frankly am offended, very angry, and my anger is justified.
That is a flat-out lie. I have called you out on this
over here where you slandered me before. I am sick of your repeated false accusations.
Orwell wrote:
You are a despicable human being with no sense of decency.
Inuyasha wrote:
Orwell wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
Kinda hard to do so, also the Israelites are considered to be God's chosen people, so wishing them to die is kinda counter to Christian theology. Especially since Jews and Christians worship the same God.
I have my proof that you are completely full of crap and never took a history minor, official or otherwise. How anyone with even the slightest passing interest in history could be so utterly ignorant of well over 1500 years of institutional Christian anti-Semitism is completely baffling.
For much of that time, people were illiterate and there were ulterior motives. That's the danger of believing any authority figure without being able to think for one's self.
Orwell wrote:
people on the left have targetted people on the right in the same way.
Please tell me the last time a leftist idiot gunned down an unarmed man in church. Go ahead. You claimed that leftists have targeted right-wingers in the same way; here is your chance to prove it and shut me up. But you of course will not, because you are
wrong.I can do better than a gun incident, try an actual bomb.
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/ ... lly?page=2http://www.washingtontimes.com/weblogs/ ... -family-1/The fact they didn't succeed doesn't negate the point they attempted to kill a Judge and his family.
You were saying Orwell...
Last edited by Inuyasha on 12 Jan 2011, 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.