ChrisVulcan wrote:
Sure, I think they're compatible. For the Bible to say, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth, oh, and by the way, there are 300 million other civilizations living in the galaxy right now..." would be meaningless to the people who originally received the Bible. It's not surprising that Genesis doesn't mention aliens. Even if they do exist, they would be totally irrelevent.
Actually, it wouldn't be meaningless, and a religion very easily COULD talk about the millions of other worlds as part of its cosmology. The Biblical cosmology though, portrays a world that does not really cohere with this well. I mean, it really doesn't cohere with heliocentrism well either, but aliens just magnifies that issue.
Here's an intriguing idea. The way I see it, human beings are set apart from other sentient beings (animals) by the presence of free will*. Free will, I think, implies the need to be saved. Perhaps there is a species that has the cognitive capacity of a human being, but no free will, and therefor no need for salvation. I would imagine that perhaps they would have a connection to the divine without the need for organized religion. Or perhaps they have free will and their society evolved to exclude religion.
Well, ok, but the problem with invoking "free will" is just that there is not evidence of human beings actually acting in an acausal manner, nor are their mechanisms that suggest the ability. Even if we claim we have that, we can't really compare our neurology to the alien neurology to find the difference.
I think that either answer you give would be somewhat problematic. Organization in religion does not seem to be a side-note for the Bible, but rather the idea of spiritual leaders was instituted for both Judaism and Christianity in an official sense. And excluding religion involves a lot of problems for the damnation of these creatures, especially given that unless we have Christ dying 300 million times, they'd have no option to be saved, and having Christ die 300 million times in different bodies would just be an absurdity.