I immediately discredit the validity of the filth spewing from the mouths of those so unprofessional and disingenuous to call the health reform bill 'Obamacare'. Its just a filthy soundbite to establish continuity in the pea-brains of conservatives. If you don't keep repeating the same non-sense you can't get the lemmings properly fired up.
I have spent dozens of hours watching both the senate and house open sessions and various committee meetings regarding the "Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Act", as well as many more so watching the development and passage of the Affordable Health Care Act, and stand firmly in stating that conservatives are so far out of touch with the demands of our modern world, society, economy, etc. that if they capture significant influence or power in the near term, the apocolypse will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are either a race of super evil aliens hell bent on destroying humanity, or are just really that dense and stupid as to not understand the ramifications of modern mathematics, science and technology to be able to take place in governing it. I am sorry Jimbo, but your beer drinking animal huntin' hill billy existence in the back woods has no relevance to the REAL world, nor does your false idea of 'no regulatin', god will take care of it just fine' have any reasonable place in reality.
Popular media is a disaster in the modern age, Fox News, Limbaugh, etc. have found the formula to get the lowest intelligence demographics up in arms. The saddest part, is the conservatives have capitalized so much that now you can't get through 45 seconds of republican speech on the floor of the house or senate without being bombarded by soundbite after soundbite after soundbite. Even worse yet, is the lemmings don't know they are being had for ratings, FOR PROFIT. They are being emotionally exploited for revenue alone. Beck has admitted it, Limbaugh has admitted it, Fox News has admitted it (in court).