bizarre wrote:
God created us in his image giving us free will and created the earth for us to live in.
So if we're all dumb, then god is dumb and maybee a little bit ugly on the side!
Free will is a myth de-bunked by pschologists. Think about it, do you have Aspergers simply because you lack the free will to NOT have it??
God gave us dominion over the earth and everything on it.
Somebody forgot to tell large predators, violent storms, floods and earthquakes this!!
God wanted us to choose to love him and trust and obey his rules which are for our own good. But we went astray and turned everyone to our own ways.
"Thou shall have no other gods before me" has lead to the murder of millions!! How is this for our own good?
God won't force us to do the right thing. God is love and he wants us to love each other. But we don't and this leads to allot of suffering. We made the world this way.
We act the way we do because of inate nature. The world made us this way. NOT the reverse.
God sent his son Jesus to earth where he suffered and died. All the apostles and saints lived lives full of incredible suffering. Suffering is part of the fallen creation we live in. .
This guilt trip is one of the cornerstones of the "good cop" "bad cop" psycology of salvation. It's humanities biggest lie.
The Lord's Prayer says, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. So God's will is not automatically done on Earth like it is in Heaven. The apostles asked Jesus how we should pray and this is what he told them. We have to pray for God's will to be done on Earth.
One of "god's wills" is to butcher the enimies of Israel. Are you advocating genocide??
There is a story in the Bible about Joseph who was sold into slavery by his own brothers because they were jealous of him.
But God turned it around for him and brought good out of that situation. And in the end his brothers ask him for forgiveness and he says "As for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good.
I don't believe in "free" forgiveness. If Joseph's brothers proved through their actions that they were truly sorry (willing to make some kind of reparations) I might see forgiving them.
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !