Religions will fight each other who is right, every religion think they are all right, matter to know the bible to find the correct one, no religion wants to admit they are wrong, this is why there is so many, members break away.
Right from Martin Luther to the present time, there has been split after split.
No wonder people get turned off with religion with some baseless religions, baseless teachings.
If any religion, this includes mine too, does not match the proper teachings of the bible, then it should be regarded as false teachings, most Christians dont realize this, the membership must read the bible for themsevles and don't be so dependent on the preacher during church services, the preacher can be teaching errors.
People just get confused and under a spell, members of a church should be able to challenge their leadership, people whom preach in my church encourges the members to challenge the sermon against the bibles teachings.
Even if the teaching is popular it does not mean its completely right, I ask Christians to study their bibles, with a proper translation NIV or KJV, all other translations teach nothing but distortions of the truth.
I got a flyer of watch tower, at a train station, I could have had a debate with him, but I didn't had the time or cant be bothered I was too busy, and I just tore it up and threw it in the bin, follow the bible only and your be totally fine.
Tim Tex has a good point.