parts wrote:
You have not met the ones around where I live they just don't stop they keep talking till you close the door no matter how nice you ask them to leave as my dogs go nuts behind me
I've never had an experience like that, I've known alot of Jehovah's Witnesses and none have ever behaved like that. I accept that kind of behavior is totally unacceptable, it is also against what Jehovah's Witnesses stand for. In England Jehovah's witnesses will avoid going to a house that has made it clear they are not welcome. If a mistake does arise and they return to the same property it is usually because they do not keep records of houses they've visited (I believe it would be a breach of the data imformation act. or some such).
Their tone in many ways is even more condescending towards anyone that doesn't share their faith
Once again that has not been my experience, one of my best friends is a Jehovah's Witness, he has never been condescending to me and has always had a sense of humour and pragmatic outlook about his faith.
For the record, I live in a heavily Church Of England community, I find alot of people in my village to be pushy, arrogant social climbers, would it to be fair for me to stereotype all Anglicans like this? No, so I resist the compulsion to stereotype, as you have done.