JeremyNJ1984 wrote:
MotherKnowsBest wrote:
I find the whole Israel/Palestinian thing very confusing. Someone up thread, and I've heard this before from other sources, said that the Jews bought up land and then occupied this land. I don't mean to be stupid, I'm genuinely trying to understand. Is this right? They occupied land that they had bought? In other words, they were living on their own land?
If so, what claim does anyone else have to that land? I bought land in a foreign country and now occupy it. It's my land. The people who were in this area before me have no right what so ever to my bit. I don't understand.
As someone who has spent some time in Israel and have studied the history of the region, I will explain it to you. Prior to the State of Israels existense, Jews had to buy the land through the Jewish National Fund office in Jaffe. They bought the land at the exoribant prices from Landlords...the only issue was the tenant farmers who cultivated the land for the landlord had no say under Ottoman and later British law in the matter. The real blame if they want to cry about it 60 + years later belongs on the Arabs themselves who sold out their fellow arabs through land deals. The reality was that Jews bought the land legally and didn't just arrive and kick everyone out. Thats a myth.
Now, when the Partition plan was rejected by the Arabs in 1948, their was a war..which nullified the borders of the Partition plan. Israel won the war, and as such it won the spoils of war. Many Arabs either fled, some were kicked out, As many Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews were ultimately thrown out of Arab countries...That is a part of the story rarely mentioned. It was a population transfer of sorts. Like what happened between Greece/Turkey, India/Pakistan, and Germany/Eastern Europe, after the war.
the bolded part is the answer to the question what lands are occupied.
Israel has a valid claim to Israel itself.
the spoils are the bits people are calling stolen or occupied.
the west bank, gaza, golan heights were not purchased.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??