aghogday wrote:
What would happen in the USA if the right to bear arms was taken away. Just a hypothetical question. In reality, I don't see it happening.
The hypothetical question assumes there is enough support for the idea for an ammendment to the Constitution to take the right away. I don't know what would precipitate the support; if you have any opinions I would be interested.
In another thread about guns, I noticed the citizens of other western countries do not have this right, and they seem to be in agreement that it is not a problem.
Their countries aren't under the same circumstances when it comes to the socioeconomic and subcultural side of things. Shootings don't happen all over the states, they mostly happen in impoverished neighbourhoods and are mostly done with illegally obtained guns. All this has nothing to do with the legality of guns. Also if there's a will there's a way.
Besides the fact that most crooks get records during their teenage years which make em ineligible to buying guns, legally buying em leaves behind a paper trail of sales transactions. Also being a registered gun owner puts you into the database. Why leave all those traces behind when you can just buy a snub .38 off the streets and throw it away or sell it after you're done with it?
Not that you think guns should be illegal, but I'm just challenging the assumptions of those who think not having the right to bear arms isn't a problem.
aghogday wrote:
Would we have revolution? When I think about it I get a picture in my mind of Charleston Heston and his statement for support for the NRA and taking his gun out of his cold dead hands. Is it that important to some Americans to bear arms.
There is always a precedence of cultural acceptance set before these laws become practical to implement so if it ever got to that point then no there would be no major revolution.